17 - gc

9K 310 204

March 28

Y- I think Jack hates me

M- why?

F- what did you do...

Y- we were playing truth or dare

F- that's it?!

Y- I think it was a question I asked....

M- what was it?

W- wat

Y- ...

F- Tell us!

Y- Do you ever jerk off to a photo of yourself...

Mk- yes

Mk- wait

Mk- shit

A- 0.0

F- shit man

Y- Ya

W- so he just never answered you? 

M- well I mean...

F- idk why that would piss him off

W- ya...

J- yes...

F- oh hey buddy! We were just talking about you

M- yes?

A- wth

F- what's yes for?

Y- he answered my question


J- I'm going kill you

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