See you next summer(READ!)

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Heartbreak...its devastating. Like what I'm going to tell you. I'm truly sorry for what I am going to say. I didnt want to do this but I need to. So if u don't know I'm starting school again next week and I'm doing great. I'm in advanced classes. I'm in 8th grade taking highschool math for 10th graders and it will help me graduate. So no, I'm not quitting I'm just not writing for the school year. I will only write during the summers. If I have time during the holidays I will start an Imagine book of ur choosing. It can be who ever about and what kind. So yah. I hope you understand that I'm not writing a big book and all for a year. So every year right before summer starts I release a book and it will be complete. I will have written all school year and release it during the summers. So the chapters will be out well at least the first 20 will be. And then updating during the summer. So I hope you like this new way and hope u understand. This is my last time writing to u and I am truly sorry. Love you muffins😘


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