forgiving isnt easy

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I wake up to four knocks on my door and a bright eyes jack walks in, sitting on the edge of my bed. "how you feeling" he said as a smile formed on his lips
"Alright, I guess" I said as I returned the smile
"Alright enough to go out to breakfast with me?" He said as he softly rubbed my arm
"of course" I say as he stands up and leaves me alone to get dressed. I simply brush out my hair and throw it into a messy bun and put on some denim shorts and a grey shirt and quickly chucked on my black and white old school vans
I grabbed my wallet after brushing my teeth and spraying myself with perfume and walked out the door to jack at the bottom of the stairs waiting
we linked arms and drove to a beautiful, vintage restaurant

 I simply brush out my hair and throw it into a messy bun and put on some denim shorts and a grey shirt and quickly chucked on my black and white old school vans I grabbed my wallet after brushing my teeth and spraying myself with perfume and walk...

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We arrived and walked in and sat by the window as the gorgeous, warm morning sun shone against our skin. We both had eggs benedict and just spoke about everything and anything. We spoke about Zach, the other boys, everything really. It was nice. I enjoy talking to Jack, he always knows what to say and how to handle things. We finish up with breakfast and get back to the house. Jack opens the door and walks in to the loudest noises known to man, I think my ear drums nearly burst and then out jumps Logan, yelling and jumping around with a camera in his face. same old Logan. never changes. "Yo, bro, what's good" Logan says to Jack as he laughs and signals to me that I can go to my room. I walk up stairs and hear someone strumming a guitar. It was coming from my room and I opened the door to see Zach sitting on my bed with rose petals everywhere and candles lit everywhere.
"zach" I say, with almost no emotion in my voice
"just sit down, please" he says as he reaches out for my hand. I ignore his invitation and sit down against the wall away from him "what are you doing here" I said to him, once again with an almost blank expression
"I um, I wrote you a song" he said, with a lot of worry in his voice. I was kind of speechless because I just didn't know what to say. It's as if he thinks that everything will be okay just because he wrote me a song, but he made me a promise and broke it within the same week... trust doesn't just rebuild that quickly. He starts to play this song he wrote
(Imagine his song 'why' is the song he wrote okay? Okay.) and I slowly start to get upset, I didn't want to show any emotion but I couldn't help it... I couldn't exactly hold back the tears. I didn't want him to have an advantage, even though I'm sure they weren't his intentions, so I stood up and just left the room, I ran down to where Jack was on the couch but when I saw him with all of the other guys and Logan with the camera on, I just ran out the front door and slammed it behind me. I didn't care that I made a scene and I didn't care that everyone was going to worry. I didn't care about anything. I was almost emotionless. I was embarrassed. I was crazy in love with this boy but I can't let him think that he can just hurt me and then come right back... it's not fair... not on me, or him. He needs to learn too. I just keep running. I run until I physically can't run anymore. I ran all the way down to town before I had to sit down and just stop. I sat in a park that was just next to school. I slumped into the park bench and just thought to myself... what was I supposed to do. I mean, he says he is sorry but who am I to know what he is really thinking. I don't even think that he knows what he's thinking sometimes. I love him. Very much. I do. But as I said, he needs to learn. I couldn't imagine myself with anyone else, but I can't just keep getting hurt like this. I start to drown in my thoughts and I was so tired. I stood up and automatically felt different. I was dizzy and lightheaded and before I knew it, I was on the floor. I tried not closing my eyes but I couldn't resist. My eyelids were so heavy and I couldn't stop them from closing. I was out.

*jack pov*
y/n came running down the stairs and looked at me, and as soon as she noticed that I was with everyone else and Logan was vlogging, she just turned around and ran out the door.
"I'm sorry guys, I gotta go" I said as I quickly got up and ran out the door after her. Before I could even get in the car, she had literally disappeared, it was like she was gone in the matter of two seconds. She WAS gone in a matter of two god damn seconds. Why did she run out. What happened. And why the fuck was she so upset. I drive down to the only place I can't think of and of course, there she was. She used to run here when we were little and she didn't know where to go. It isn't far from our old family house and she used to come here to think all of the time. I got out the door and she stood up but quickly fell to the ground, I run to where she was but when I got there she was already out. I picked her up and run back to the car and quickly drove to the hospital. I jumped out the car and rushed into the emergency room. The quickly discovered that she was just dehydrated and needed to be put on an IV and needed some water. She woke up as soon as the needle went into her arm. She looked over at me and as soon as she saw my face, she calmed down. He signed and laid back into the hospital bed.

*back to your pov*
I woke up and looked at my arm and a nurse shoved a needle into it. I looked over and saw Jack and immediately felt so much embarrassment
"What's wrong" I say with confusion to Jack
"Dehydration. Youll be okay" he said back as he kissed me on the forehead and sat back in the hospital chair

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