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Its been weeks since taehyung and yoongi broke up, yoongi was back with his old self, not talking to anyone just minding his own business

Taehyung on the other hand, tried so hard to just embrace the life with jimin, he tried so hard that he even cries at night

Yoongi and taehyung didn't even had a proper conversation after they broke up, not even a single glance

But ofcourse taehyung would always sneak a glance towards yoongi just so he could admire him just from afar

Jungkook was convinced that taehyung still loves yoongi and he's now confuse on why taehyung would broke up with him- but he was definitely sure jimin was involved

"Hyung have you heard about the new transferee?"

Jungkook questioned taehyung, but taehyung didn't answer as he was just too darn focus on thinking what might happen if he was still with yoongi




Taehyung never told jungkook whats the real reason of their broke up, even jin-


I'll add a new character-

You'll meet him/her next chapter

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