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Summer's Pov
Hi I'm Summer Hathaway. The town's little princess. More like nightmare. My dad is the mayor. Which makes me the way I am. I'll explain later. I was currently in the living room watching Netflix. I'm home schooled.
SD- Hey sweetie
S- Dad what are you doing here
SD- Well I wanted to tell you something exciting
S- Your leaving for Washington again for another raise
SD- Not this time. You are going to an actual school
At that moment my life flashes before my eyes. I drop the popcorn and stand up.
SD- You get into to much trouble when I'm not here. So if your in school it will keep you out of trouble for 8 hours of the day.
SD- You start tomorrow. You are already registered and I already have you prepared. So you are going and I will be at home the whole first week of school. So go get your outfit ready and get ready for bed. It's 10pm.
I'm kinda happy that my dad will actually be here. I sigh and nod. I go upstairs to my room. I could've took the elevator but I'm to moody. I take a shower and put on my pajamas. I get into bed and look at the ceiling. Just great. School.
S- 5 more minutes
He grabs my legs and pulls me of the bed.
SD- There
S- Ugh
I get off the floor and head to the bathroom. I take a quick shower and get ready.
Summer's outfit⬇️

(Without bows)I pull my hair over to one shoulder

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(Without bows)
I pull my hair over to one shoulder. Then I do my makeup
Summer's makeup⬇️

I grab my backpack and head downstairs

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I grab my backpack and head downstairs.
SD- Hey honey want breakfast
S- No thanks. So who's driving me to school
SD- The chauffeur in the limo and I'm coming with you
S- Do you have to
SD- Yes
He grabs his jacket and we head out the door. We get into the limo and head to the school. Once we get there I'm amazed. It's pretty big
SD- Good luck and don't make any trouble
S- No promises
I hug him and get out. I see people look at me in awe. I just walk to the door. This is gonna be a long day.
Tomika's Pov
Me and the boys were standing in front of my locker talking. We've been best friends forever or at least it feels like it. Then I see people gasping and looking down the hall. Whispering things. Weird. Then a bad chick blonde comes down the hallway. Is she new and why does she look so familiar. I see Freddy drooling over her.
T- Take a picture it'll last longer
F- Quit it Tomika
T- Well stop drooling. I swear I saw some fall to the floor
Zack and Lawrence start laughing their butts off. Ok I have to admit. I do have a huge crush on Zack but I'm really good at keeping my feelings to myself. The blonde looks over at us and smirks. Or she did it to the Buffon beside me. Who is currently drooling.
F- She's amazing
Z- You don't even know her
Just then Kale walks up to us. She's a great friend of ours.
K- Hey guys
All- Hey
F- Do you have any clue who the new girl is
K- The mayor's daughter
K- Yep. The Town's little nightmare herself. I heard she was forced to go here because she was expelled from her old school. Well I gotta go. Since the bell is about to ring. Bye guys
All- Bye
Kale walks off and we decide it would be good that we headed to class as well. We go to class and we're in shock. Our almost daily late teacher is here and on time.
L- Mr.Finn are you ok
MF- Yea totally
Z- Then why are you here early
MF- My mom forced me to wake up at 6
All- OH
We all sit in our seats. The bell rings and Mr.Finn starts teaching "Math". Then principal Mullins comes in.
PM- Hello class and Mr.Finn
MF- Hello Principal Mullins. How are you
PM- I'm just fine. How are you
MF- Fantastic
PM- Well I would like to introduce your new classmate.
The mayor's daughter comes in with the same smirk on from before and stands by Principal Mullins.
PM- This is Summer Hathaway
MF- Hello Summer
PM- Well I will let you get to it. Summer darling if you need anything just ask.
S- Thank you Principal Mullins but I think I'll be fine. Thank you so much for helping me
PM- Your very welcome. Well I'm going to go. Behave class.
Principal Mullins leaves and Summer stands there. It's a pretty name but deep down she's the devil. I remember when Summer had a paint ball gun and shot people in a grocery store including me,Freddy,Zack,and Lawrence. Last time we went there.
MF- Well Hello Summer. You can take a seat next to Tomika
T- Wait what
S- Oh it's you
She comes and sits by me. She sticks out her hand.
S- Summer
T- (shakes hand) Tomika and we've met before
S- I remember. You look beautiful in purple paint
L- Wait so you remember when you shot us
S- Of course I do. I only shot you 4.
Z- We noticed
She turns her head.
S- Oh so Mr.Kwan talks back and is a smartass I like it.
Z- Wait you know me
S- Why wouldn't I. I've met your dad thousands of times before. Since being the second most important man in the city. He talks about you a lot even showed me a picture.
T- Anyway so you're not gonna apologize for shooting us
S- Why would I. It was fun
MF- Well let's get to work. Summer can you keep a secret.
T- Don't tell her. She's the devil incarnate.
S- I'm not going to take offense to that.
Z- Tomika is right. She'll tell everyone.
T- Y..You think I'm right
Z- Why wouldn't I. Your always right. Well except for the time. You thought it was right to hit us with dodgeballs and it wasn't dodgeball practice.
MF- Summer can you keep a secret and swear not to tell a soul
She gets up and crosses her heart.
MF- We are a band.
S- That's it.
MF- We do it in class.
S- Even better. No work.
MF- That was easier than I thought.
S- So who plays what
MF- Well Tomika is our singer and bass player. Zack Attack is our lead guitar. Lawrence is our Keyboard player and technologic genius. I am the Rhythm gutiar player and Freddy over there is our drummer. The drum lord. Don't doubt him. (Whispers) Plus he is really cautious with his hair.
F- I can still hear you
MF- Sorry bud
T- So Princess what do you play
S- Why do you ask. You already have the band set up
Z- We could still know
S- Fine. I can sing. I play guitar,bass,piano,and drums. But I'm best at piano and guitar.
MF- Could we hear you sing
S- Sure
We set up our equipment and surprisingly she helps. Then she walks over to the mic and we get in our spots.

Wow she's good. But is she gonna take my spot.
MF- Your good
S- Thanks
MF- Well we already have a lead. So how about secondary singer
S- Fine with me.
Mr.Finn goes to his desk and is probably looking for a gig. Since we don't have a manager.
Z- Tomika you alright
I look up and see Zack.
T- I'm fine. I just thought She was gonna take my spot but nope.
Z- No one could replace you
T- Thanks
F- Lovebirds go get a room
T- Shut it Huerta
S- Oh so that's your last name.
L- Do you eavesdrop
S- Well no but I'm literally standing next to you. So kinda hard to ignore you completely.
Z- So Hathaway what's your place in social status at school?
S- There's a status?
Z- Uh yea. Like us we're known but not necessarily popular. Didn't you have one at your old school?
S- I've never gone to a school. I've been home schooled my whole life.
T- Woah then why are you here
S-My father of course.
Z- You ok Freddy you haven't said a word. That's very unlike you.
F- Uh totally fine.
S- You're a very good drummer but I'm better
F- Sure you are
S- Wanna bet
F- Nah. I don't feel like being in a drum war with the mayor's daughter
S- That's fair.
T- Why are you a bad girl
S- Why are you a good girl
T- I guess it's how I was brought up
S- Exactly
The bell rings and I'm left confused. We all leave for lunch. We head to the quad and sit at a table. I don't know where Summer is at.
T- Do you guys have any clue by what she meant
Z- Nope
Just then people start screaming in excitement and start jumping up and down. Then I see the blonde again. People ask them to sit at there tabels. Then Asher the school's popular guy. He isn't rude or a player just popular which I like because he is actually nice. Goes up and ask her but she denies him and he walks away back to his table. Then I see her walking over to us. Wait what. She sits at the table and people gasp. Us 5 look at her in shock. Yea Kale was with us. I don't know where Esme is though. She stands up.
S- Oh can it. I can sit where I want.
She sits back down and we still look at her is shock.
S- What
K- Nothing it's just you choose to sit here
S- Is that ok
K- Absolutely my name's Kale
S- Summer
K- So are the rumors true
S- What rumors
K- That you were expelled from your old school
S- I didn't even go to a school
K- Oh sorry
L- Why did you choose to sit here
S- Well you are the only people who I have properly met and don't treat me like some kind of queen. So thank you
Z- Woah. Did I hear that correctly
S- Want me to say it again. Thank you guys for treating me like a normal person.
All- Your welcome
She smiles. Huh maybe she isn't so bad.

A/n: NEW BOOK. I hope you liked it anyway thanks for reading and

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