Chapter 1

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Take deep breaths. Breathe in for 4 seconds, hold for 7 seconds, and breathe out for 8 seconds. Shake the anxiety away. Don't let a new beginning shake your core. You have this under control..

Shaky legs carry you to the front gate. You step from the sidewalk to the concrete path leading to the large white building. The path leads you past a gym teacher with tan skin, short blonde hair, and a red jumpsuit with sneakers. "<Y/N>?" She calls out. You turn to her and smile, then ask, "Yes, ma'am?" If you were going to start a new beginning, you were going to leave good impressions.

The woman smiles and says, "I'm Mrs. Taiso, the gym instructor." As you two shake hands, she informs you, "Since this is your first day, you should go talk to the Guidance Counselor, Mrs. Kunahito. Alright, kiddo?" You once again smile, politely say, "Yes ma'am," and walk through the large glass doors. Luckily, you were given a tour of the school already, so you knew which door belonged to the guidance counselor's room. You quickly changed into your school shoes and made your way down the hall. Knocking on the cold door, you were told to step in.

Upon walking in, the woman you met before when greeting the staff one day smiled at you kindly behind her desk. She greeted, "Ms. <Y/N>, I'm so glad you decided to join our school. It's great to have an intelligent young lady attend here. Look at these grades, all B+ and A!" She held up a paper with your grades. You immediately felt your face burn up. You chuckled and said, "Thank you, Mrs. Kunahito. I'm glad to be here." Readjusting your backpack straps nervously, she fixed her papers and said, "With grades like that, I recommend you meet the student council president. He's got straight A grades, and you two would get along swimmingly." You smiled and asked, "Is there anything else I can do for you, Mrs. Kunahito?" She answered, "Just make sure you know where your classes are. Have a good day, Ms. <Y/N.>" You responded with "You too, ma'am." Quickly leaving the room, you went around to find the fountain area in the middle of the school. It was still early, so luckily, there weren't wany students to crowd the hallways.

Yet, that didn't stop a male student from interrupting your tracks, wrapping an arm around your shoulder, and saying, "Sup, Newbie?" You yelped in shock and asked, "Excuse me?" As he smiled. He had tan skin, blonde hair, was tall, and wore a pair of swim goggles on top his head. "My name is Aso Rito, you are?" He asked as he kept forcing you closer to the fountain. You couldn't possibly be more confused as you answered, "Uh, <F/N L/N>." He chuckled and said, "Great! This is Megamo Saikou." He pushed you towards a tall, white, male student with short silverish hair that seemed to glisten with lilac highlights in the sunlight. You reached to shake his hand, but instead was met by ignorance of your presence. Aso cleared his throat. Still, nothing out of Megamo. You looked away in frustration as he continued writing on papers, all with a blank expression; like a robot.

After an awkward minute, Aso said, "Hey, Meg, remember what we talked about earlier? You have to try to act like a human. I know it's hard, but-" "I told you not to call me that." Megamo interrupted coldly. The blonde sighed and exclaimed, "Augh! You can't make a good impression for shit, Meg." While laughing, Aso then said, "I apologize, <Y/N>. Megamo only thinks of-" "What was that name?" Megamo interrupted. "...Paperwork." Aso finished saying. Megamo frantically searched though his papers, found what he was looking for, and examined a paper. He glanced at me and said, "You're the new student, <F/N L/N>. Your grades are very acceptable." Aso and I both raised an eyebrow in confusion. Megamo fixed his papers, stood up, and shook my hand with a still blank expression. I reluctantly smiled and shook his hand. Aso mumbled, "Take notes, Meg." He looked at Aso coldly then said, "I'm the student council president, Megamo Saikou." He smiled warmly. Aso sighed and said, "It's too late for good first impressions now. You've done exposed your true self." I smirked at the funny comment. Megamo scoffed and said, "I know this is sudden, but I'd like to interview you for the occupation of vice president of student council. You'd be like my little helper. Since your grades are exceptional, I hope you are free after school today?" Aso snorted. I looked at them confusingly. "Sure?" I answered. The bell rang. "I'll see you around." Aso said and ran off. Megamo walked off without another word.

..What in the world of high school just happened?

I shook off the shock and rush of the confusing conversation and made my way to class. I walked into the room, anticipating for class to begin. I'm here to learn, not to necessarily make friends. I'm not here to show personality, I'm here to expand my knowledge. I'm not here to mess around and have fun, I'm here to be serious and attentive to only class.


Ya, that isn't gonna last long. Eventually, my large personality will break through. It won't take long.

Before I knew it, Aso once again grabbed my arm and settled me in a desk between Megamo and him. Of course, the distant boy didn't give me a glimpse or a smile. He kept writing on papers on his desk. Aso turned to me and said, "Sorry, he doesn't know how to be human." I answered, "I've noticed." Megamo's brows furrowed as he exclaimed, "Hey!" Aso and I giggled. A pale girl with long green hair walked up to us and asked, "Are you two picking on the poor new girl?" She smiled and said, "I'm Midori Gurinu, and everyone knows who you are by now. Word always gets around this school easily." I smiled as we shook hands. She then immediately turned around and went back to typing on her green phone like a robot, blankly walking away.

Looks like my large personality has nothing to worry about here.

The teacher then walked in, making class begin.

I'm questioning my level of control over this.


It has come to my attention that basically the ENTIRE 'fandom' of Yandere Simulator portrays Megamo Saikou as a very sexual and/or kinky person. You should all be fully aware that that will not be happening in this book. Megamo Saikou should definitely not be portrayed like that. That idea spawned in that the back of a dirty mind. Not only should a book like this be kept PG13, but it doesn't even fit into his character/personality type. Plus, that strays so far from cannon that I don't even know how that started. I'm not against sexual or kinky character types, but please, just consider before you do portray someone like that.

Paperwork {Reader x Megamo Saikou} Yandere SimulatorWhere stories live. Discover now