Chapter 2

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After morning classes, everyone filed to either the cafeteria or the roof and I followed stranger groups cluelessly, gripping my lunch box. I walked up flights of stairs to the school roof and awkwardly sat on a bench. The second I sat down, I was unsurprisingly interrupted by Aso and Megamo walking up to me. Ask was smiling, and Megamo was blankly studying a book. I smiled and stood up with them and we sat on another bench together with Midori, a boy with short brown hair and cooking clothes, and a popular girl with dark skin and blonde hair.

The male student introduced himself as Amao Odayaka, the leader of the cooking club.

"Some students are allergic to chocolate. Find a solution." Megamo said. Amao sighed. I commented, "What about chips and dip?" Amao asked, "Where's the creativity and interest in that?" "Create your own recipe for the dip, and make homemade chips somehow." I answered. As if a light bulb went off, he smiled widely and ran off. Megamo raised an eyebrow at me. He then jotted something down on a paper.

I raised an eyebrow and Aso assured me, "He's taking notes to see if you'll be hired." I scoffed and said, "Is that really necessary? I thought I would just be your little helper." Megamo answered, "I assure you, you must have good grades for the work." I rolled my eyes playfully. We looked at Megamo for a reaction, but he continued blankly staring down at a book. What was he looking in there for, a life?

After chatting and eating, the bell rang and we went to afternoon classes.

I couldn't help but notice that everyone was paying attention to the security cameras and roaming teachers, as if it were new.

"Aso," I asked, "Are the cameras and security really that interesting?" Aso answered, "Well, they were just installed yesterday, Monday." He then shrugged and said, "Actually, Megamo is the one who demanded they be installed. He was really serious about it. He won't even tell me why. He tells me everything, or so I thought."

He hesitated to say something, then said, "I better not tell you anything. If you can gain his trust, he might tell you.." His words trailed off and he walked away.


The last bell of school rang and I still couldn't stop thinking of the mysterious words of Aso. Human curiosity is killing me!

I sighed, packed up my bags, and remembered at last second that Megamo wanted to hire me or something.

I immediately ran up the stairs as fast as my legs could carry me. Jeez, I'm late! He said right after the bell and it's fifteen minutes after! I gasped for breath and tripped on the stairs. I yelped and prepared for pain, but was instead caught by an arm pulling me up. As my heart raced endlessly, I realized Megamo had saved me. He looked at me in an awkward and slightly disappointed look.

I've already messed up.

As I try to catch my breath, Megamo says, "Tsk, looks like I've got my work cut out for me." My eyes widened in shock. "What?" I asked, surprised by his random insult. He realized what he said and muttered, "I'm sorry. I'm under a lot of stress and pressure right now that I need simple help, but finding help has also stressed me out." I remembered what Aso said.

I asked, "So, what do you need a helper for exactly?" He sighed and answered, "Let us just say this school needs security and I need small help to keep it secure." I nodded in response, trying to decode his riddle. Was the school suddenly in danger?

Before I could think any further, he said, "Well, let's go to my office." I followed him up the stairs and he opened a door for me. It looked much like the school counselor's office. I sat down in a chair as he sat down behind his desk.

He cleared his throat and said, "The professional term for the job I'm looking to hire you for is secretary, but I assure you it won't take much energy to file my paperwork, run errands for me, and fetch my supplies for me every once in a while." He talked as he did research on his computer with his usual blank expression. I asked, "So, why do you need a secretary all of a sudden?" He rolled his eyes and answered, "Like I said, the school needs security and I need help with security. You have the education for it. Keep that and a good reputation up and you'll do just fine." I rolled my eyes as well and looked down to my feet awkwardly. The silence was a poison.

After a few minutes of listening to his computer mouse click, he said, "I assume you will take the job." I answered, "As long as it doesn't get in the way of my studies." He replied, "I assure you it won't. If it does, I can always take time to tutor you if necessary. However, I'm positive it won't be." He then slid a freshly printed paper across to me and asked, "Sign this, will you?" I examined the paper that requested my signature to assure that I accepted the job. I signed my initials and he took the paper, storing it in a filing cabinet. He said, "Great, well come here and I'll show you my schedule and how things are filed, what to file, and things along that line." I smiled as he took his time to show me how things work around here.

After about an hour, I fully understood my job. He said, "If you have any questions or get confused, tell me. I'd rather you take the time to make sure you get every little thing right than make one small mistake." I asked, "What do I get out of this?" He answered, "This goes on your record. It will do greatly for getting you hired in the future." I smiled at the thought of having happy work and an enjoyable future, thanks to my hard work in high school.

He cleared his throat and said, "Well, I expect you to get right to work every day. Before classes, afterwards, at lunch, and anytime I work as well." I nodded in response.

"I'll see you later, <Y/N>. I expect to get to know you as well and learn to trust you."

We said our goodbyes and left. His words echoed in my head throughout the night.

Paperwork {Reader x Megamo Saikou} Yandere SimulatorWhere stories live. Discover now