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I woke up with a start. It was obviously too early for my liking. The sunlight blasting on me through the window was proof enough.

Okay, I guess any time would be too early for me considering how much I loved sleeping. So I'm not a morning person. At all! And due to that very fact, I could sense something was wrong. No way I was awake at such an early morning hour without someone violently shaking me up.

So what is going on?

The sheets were the first to light the bulb in my head. It was way too... silky? Yeah that's the word. It was not mine. And my favourite blue duvet which I use regardless of the climate was missing.

The alarm went off in my head.

I was obviously not at home and considering how much comfortable and airy I was feeling, I was naked.

Damn! I have to stop this habit.

So, the thing is I love sleeping naked. Yeah, I am aware of all the things that could go wrong but the comfort beats them all.

Looks like it finally came to bite me behind my back.

My eyes were still not completely open. I was too afraid to do that. Waking up naked in a strange bed was not something that ends well in any world.

So how did I end up here? I tried to remember.

I was drunk last night. I realised.


Which was by the way, the only explanation I needed. Because drunk Swara was capable of doing a lot of things.

Did I manage to break into some strange house? Did I try to jump off a cliff? Did I rob McDonald's? Did I kill someone? Or did I do anything so bad that it will haunt me to the gates of hell? Considering the big knot in my stomach, I did. Well done Swara!

But nothing could have prepared me for the sight which beheld me once I opened my eyes.

I froze. There was a guy on the bed with me. And surprise! He was naked too. Sweat dripping on his back shone under the sun until it disappeared beneath the sheets which thankfully covered the lower half of his body.

Drunk Swara just had her very first one night stand.

Oh my god! No no.

This can't be happening. There's no way. I can't be that stupid, can I? I can't have lost my virginity! Before marriage! And that too, to a stranger.

Oh my god! No no.

What about all those dreams I had for the big night? What about all my plans with Laksh? Oh Laksh!

The thought of Laksh brought back the unfortunate memories of last night.

He broke up with me! That fucking ass hole broke up with me. He broke my heart. Tears started swelling up in my eyes as my mind took me through those endless pool of memories. Our memories.

But not any more, huh?!

What a cliché my life is? I drank myself to death vining over my ex and hooked up with a stranger.

This shit really happens in life? Oh my god! No no.

And as my mind wandered through all the stupid teen dramas I have watched, the next step would be Laksh coming back. He would apologise and say he wants me back.

He will, won't he? Last night was unfortunate but he still loves me. I know that.

But now, even if Laksh came back apologising for what he said, there's nothing I could do because I cheated on him.

Not technically, because we are on a break. But that's not an excuse for this totally out of character crime I committed.

So what am I going to do now? I can't let this stupid mistake ruin my life. The guy was still out like dead. Could I just leave? Before he wakes up? Leave like nothing happened. He won't remember me right? He might have been drunk too.

I could move past this. Pretend like nothing happened. It could be my little sneaky secret. And a plan formed in my head.

I will have to put up some work when it would come to my actual first night but that's so long away in the future. But I was pretty sure in this twenty first century, faking the virginity won't be rocket science. So it's just my own consciousness that I will have to deal with.

Many people might think it might be not such a big deal. But it is big for me. Yes, I live in this very developed country. I might act like an all American girl on the outside but on the inside I'm still the very traditional Indian girl in my heart.

Soon enough I realised that it wasn't a suitable time to have an inner battle with myself. So I decided to get my shit together and get the hell out of there.

I gently slipped off the bed still covered up in the sheets. Just in case. I looked around for my clothes and found my dress from last night lying in the corner.

Ooh! Must have been a wild night.

I walked on my tiptoes and grabbed the dress. I put it back on and that's when the guy stirred for the first time. I stood as still as possible hoping that he would go back to sleep. Thankfully he did.

Putting the sheet back on the bed I started searching again. I found my underwear on the lamp and my purse on the couch. I found my shoes under the bed and put it on, even though one of the heel was broken. Don't want to be Cinderella, do we?

I was thinking about what else was missing when I accidentally knocked off the jug and the water splattered leaving me wet all over.

The guy jolted awake on the impact and he slowly sat up yawning. And I gasped as an all too familiar face came into my view.

"YOU!" I exclaimed. I tried to believe that I was hallucinating. Or that it was just somebody else with a great resemblance to him. But all my hopes shattered when he spoke up in that all too familiar cocky voice.

"Good morning cupcake."

And as fast as lightning I bolted, leaving all my dignity and self respect there in that bedroom.

I'm screwed! I realised. Both literally and metaphorically.

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