1912 "Mutiny"

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Olympic, like Titanic, did not carry enough lifeboats for everyone on board, and so was hurriedly equipped with additional, second-hand collapsible lifeboats following her return to Britain. Towards the end of April 1912, as she was about to sail from Southampton to New York, 284 of the ship's firemen went on strike, for fear that the ship's new collapsible lifeboats were not seaworthy. 100 non-union crew were hastily hired from Southampton as replacements, with more being hired from Liverpool.

  The 40 collapsible lifeboats were transferred from troopships and put on Olympic, and many were rotten and would not open. The crewmen, instead, sent a request to the Southampton manager of the White Star Line that the collapsible boats be replaced by wooden lifeboats; the manager replied that this was impossible and that the collapsible boats had been passed as seaworthy by a Board of Trade inspector. The men were not satisfied and ceased work in protest. 

  On 25 April, a deputation of strikers witnessed a test of four of the collapsible boats. Only one was unseaworthy and they said that they were prepared to recommend the men return to work if it was replaced. However the strikers now objected to the non-union strikebreaker crew which had come on board, and demanded that they be dismissed, which the White Star Line refused. 54 sailors then left the ship, objecting to the non-union crew who they claimed were unqualified and therefore dangerous, and refused to sail with them. This led to the scheduled sailing being cancelled. 

  All 54 sailors were arrested on a charge of mutiny when they went ashore. On 4 May 1912, Portsmouth magistrates found the charges against the mutineers were proven, but discharged them without imprisonment or fine, due to the special circumstances of the case. Fearing that public opinion would be on the side of the strikers, the White Star Line let them return to work and Olympic sailed on 15 May.

Olympic's new lifeboats, ready to be installed. Another source posits that they are Titanic's remaining lifeboats having been brought back to Southampton by Olympic.  

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Well guys, that's all for it for today's story and I hope you'd like it and if you did, don't forget to click that Vote Button at the top right corner... also leave some comments down below of what you think about this chapter and let me see if you learn something from 1912 "Mutiny". But without further a do, thank you all guys for reading this chapter and follow me on Wattpad!!! As always what I said, oh bye there...

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     You Have Been Warned!!! Part 1 (Warning)
     You Have Been Warned!!! Grade 6 (School Life) Part 2
     Frog and Toad Together
     The Broken Hearted Boy
     RMS Carpathia - The Ship Who Saved the Titanic
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Want more stories:     You Have Been Warned!!! Part 1 (Warning)     You Have Been Warned!!! Grade 6 (School Life) Part 2     Frog and Toad Together     The Broken Hearted Boy     RMS Carpathia - The Ship Who Saved the TitanicWant to follow me:    ...

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