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Lita's POV

Why is he here? I hate him for hurting me he shouldn't be near girls

???: Lita it's not Edge

Lita: C....Christian?

Christian: yeah what's wrong?

Lita: nothing

Christian: something is wrong you can tell me

Lita: no because nothing is wrong


Lita: Trish?

Trish: yeah it's me come here

I ran up to Trish and hugged her I don't know where I would be without Trish she's always been there for me especially with the Edge problem, why is Christian here though?

Christian: hey Trish

Trish: go away

Christian: but I want to help Lita

Trish: no you don't you want to get dirt on her and then hurt her!!

Christian: I'm not Edge and I'm not like the other guys.

???: *laughs* yeah right you bloody liar

Christian: I'm telling the truth ..... Hardy

Trish: Jeff?

Jeff: yup Matt is coming ....

Matt: I'm here

Christian: can't you see that me and Lita are busy

Lita: no we aren't

Trish: leave Lita alone

Christian: it's nothing bad

Lita: no you're gonna convince me to go with you which is going to be with Edge and then I'll get hurt.

Trish: so go

Matt: before we make you

Christian: like to see you try since me and Edge have beaten you so many times


Christian: or what

???: *kicks him in the chin*

Christian: *falls*

Jeff: thanks Shawn

HBK: no problem bye

HBK walked off and now it was just us 4 again.

Lita: thanks Trish

Trish: for what?

Lita: helping me

Trish: no problem you would've done the same for me

Lita: *smiles* Trish want to get a drink

Trish: sure

Matt: you girls be careful

Trish: we will *kisses Matt's cheek*

Me and Trish then went to get a drink. When Trish bumped into another diva

???: *bumps into them* ow

Trish: I'm so sorry umm

???: I'm Ashley and it's okay

Lita: I'm Lita and that's Trish

Ashley: nice to meet you girls

Lita: *smiles* do you want to be friends with us

Ashley: sure

Trish: grea..... *falls over*

Lita: TRISH *falls*

Ashley: Lita Trish *falls*

I saw someone run off laughing and all I heard was: Well done *laughs* they won't be able to compete: and then I blacked out

End of POV

Jeff's POV

Me and Matt were getting worried.

Matt: they should be back by now

Jeff: maybe there's a line

Matt: really

Jeff: sorry let's go

We ran and then we accidentally bumped into Randy.

Matt: sorry Randy

Randy: it's okay but why you in a hurry

Jeff: Lita and Trish went to get a drink 5 minutes ago maybe even longer and they still haven't come back.

Randy: that's strange Ashley went for a drink and she hasn't come back.

???: help them

???: look at their heads

We all looked at each other and ran to the voices and saw Lita, Trish and Ashley knocked out.



Jeff: LITA

Matt: what happened here?

Jeff: who did this?

Randy: why would they do this?

???: I know who

We turned around and saw Jillian

Matt: what happened here?

Jillian: Melina and Tori came here with a chair, Tori had the chair and whacked it up against Lita, Trish and Ashley and then ran off with Melina laughing.

Randy: how do you know this?

Jillian: I was 'round the corner when it happened I watched it but they didn't see me

Jeff: so basically you were behind the corner about to come here when you saw Melina and Tori come with a chair and then attacked the girls and you didn't bother to do anything.

Jillian: I'm sorry that I didn't do anything.

Matt:  it's okay right now the girls are the main priority

Randy: yeah

Official: one of you have to go with each one.

Matt: I'll go with Trish

Randy: I'll go with Ashley

Jeff: okay I'll go with Lita

Official: okay let us know how they are

Jeff: okay

We got in each ambulance Trish was in the middle one so Matt got in that one, Lita was in the one on the right I got in that one and Randy got in one on the left with Ashley.

End of POV

Matt's POV

I can't believe what Tori and Melina did to the girls what have Lita, Ashley and Trish done to them two to make them hurt them.

Matt: don't worry Trish I'll stay by your side no matter what.

End of POV

Randy's POV

I held onto my girlfriends hand that's right me and Ashley are dating I can tell that Matt and Trish are dating but Jeff and Lita not so sure really.

Randy: don't worry Ash I'll be right beside you and I won't leave you

I held onto her hand I want an explanation on why they did that and why didn't Jillian step in.

End of POV

Jeff Hardy and LitaWhere stories live. Discover now