The Spotting of Laws ship

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The blazing, hot sun was set high in the calm blue, cloudless sky. Birds were chirping happily, as fish dived in and out of the calm, deep, blue ocean. The ship was rocking back and forth in a comfortable rhythm, creaking ever so slightly. The sails were being pushed gently by the gentle, transparent breeze in the air.

The crew chatting amongst themselves, minding their businesses as the compasses pointing in one direction of the nearest island, that being no more than 400 miles away. Black, soft locks swayed with the calm wind. His straw hat fluttered with the little movement that was made by the wind. His red jacket flung in as the gentle sun reflecting on his smooth tanned skin, giving it a more softer look.

'It's so calm today; I wonder if there gonna be meat. Wait I'm hungry'. Luffy thought to himself. Just as in queue his belly decided to call for the whales that live in the deep ocean.

"SANJI, FOOD!" He exclaimed while jumping off of the head of the ship. Stretching this arms to a very abnormal length. He grabbed onto the nearest post, and he flung himself to the door of the dining room. As on queue knocking down a particular Blond haired chef.

"Get off of me, you moron," He began, but he was suddenly flung from the floor by said idiot.

"FOOD, Sanji," Picking him up off of the floor, so he was eye level, and then setting him back down on his feet. Skipping away as if nothing happened, he sat down in the little cosy kitchen. Groggily, Sanji looks around and decides to sets off to find Zoro. 'Where is that Moss-head?'. Exiting the noise kitchen, he picked up the extra set of food that rested on the side of the polished table.

Looking around the ship Sanji walks ahead on the deck of the ship. Stopping in his little quest to find Zoro, a particular yellow object in the ocean caught his attention. 'It seems to be heading to the same island as us'. He thought, his curiosity got the better of him. The object became more visible once he walked closer to the side of the ship. The ship was, well it wasn't a ship it was the heart pirates submarine/ship that looked quite wrecked, the door on the roof was ripped off its hinges and the side of the ships yellow paint was completely scrapped off. The only thing that gave the identity of the ship away was its logo that was still visible.

"Well, I better tell the captain," He muttered under his breath. Going back to the kitchen where everyone was eating away: Luffy being his usual self, stealing food from Usopp or anyone that wasn't paying attention to their diet. "Captain I think I saw Trafalgar sh-" Looking around the now silent kitchen. Sanji spots Zoro eating away at the table with everyone else. Not bothering to look up to meet his angry glare that was directed at him. "Wait a minute. How long have you been here for?" He stated his question to the same person, his icy blue eyes glaring daggers at the green-haired man. If looks could kill, the swordsmen would be dead by now.

"I came in here when I saw you were fantasising about seeing Trafalgar again," He remarked with his face full of food, as he felt smug with himself. Sanji's face went completely red with embarrassment and with anger. Finally looking up from the food he was eating. He was side kicked in the side of the head and was flung off of the seat. Pain shot through his skull. Quickly, everyone got off their seats and out the room, they knew when to let them fight and when to stop them. This time there was no point trying to stop them when they have a chance they would fight again."Oh, so I hit a nerve," He stated while getting off the floor as he held his head because of the pain.

"You fucking bastard, I hate your fucking guts, you know that?!" Sanji yelled while in a fighting stance. A look of hurt flashed through Zoro's eyes. It was that quick that it was hard to even notice, but Sanji noticed and before he could say anything, Zoro stormed passed him and went to the men quarters. He shouted at Usopp to get out and slumped himself on the floor against the wall. Feeling pissed off, He gulped down the rested of the half empty bottle of sake that rested on the ground.
The room echoed with the quiet buzzing of the force of the door being slammed shut. 'What was that about?' Sanji thought to himself. Dismissing it, Sanji went to tell Luffy what he saw in the ocean. "So you saw Traffy's ship? And it was damaged." Luffy questioned while sitting on the head of the ship. He didn't spare Sanji one look after hearing about the ship. He had his hand in a gesture to block out the sun, as the sun was setting after Sanji had told the captain about spotting Trafalgar's ship.

'The look in the moss-head eyes what was that? He looked as if I struck a nerve. Well, it was his fault he riled me up and then teased me about Trafalgar. I think he should apologise. Yeah he should, he started it! It's not like I did anything wrong. He accused me of having a crush on Trafalgar. I just talk to him, and I find him interesting. Nothing is going on between us. I don't feel anything towards him. Plus I like Nami-Swan and Robin-chwan. Most of all I'm straight. I like females, not males.

"-ped fighting?" Sanji only caught the last bit of the question as he snapped out of his thinking. "Sorry? Could you repeat that." He turned his head towards the captain. "I said have you two stopped fighting yet?" Pondering on it for some time Sanji just replayed in a simple "No." and waltzed off.
It was the night when they landed on the little island. The very dark blue sky had little stars twinkled in the blackness like small diamonds. The crew dropped anchor that rested into place until when they were near the rocky, white shore. The light blue ocean was still calm as the wind blew ever so slightly creating little waves. The crew decide to stay at a hotel so they could get better sleep and finally stand on land.

"Ok people, we are going to have someone stay onboard," Nami stood on the top of the balcony with one hand on her hip and the other pointing at each crew member. Looking at each other, Nami looked at each team member and spoke "Well Robin, and I will share a room. Zoro and Sanji will share a room, and Luffy and Chopper will share another. Usopp and Franky will share a room. That also leaves Brook; he will be on the night watch and look after the ship. Okay?"

Too scared of going against Nami's orders, they all shouted "Okay!" in unison.

When they landed on the shore, Sanji decided to go to the public-house. He would rather be drunk then have a very awkward encounter with Zoro. Sanji steps into the quaint public-house. Dotted around the room were little-rounded tables and a long polished bar that rested in front of the chamber. His black shoes tap on the light wood floor as he makes his way to the bar; sitting down he calls for his drink, sighing ever so slightly.

Sanji feels himself knock in a man's arm beside him, and a brown liquid spills on the bar counter. As he swiftly turns his head to apologise for spilling the man's drink, the familiar scent of fresh medicine herbs and fresh salty sea-water enters his nostrils...

If you like the story so far please review and the story would also be on so please check it out. My name is also
Spotty60 and please enjoy!

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