Prince Theodore

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I stand on the edge of the ship, clutching the new wood with a rage that has consumed me ever since Prince Theodore ordered my family dead. I was the only survivor.

The wind blows softly through my short dark brown hair and my loose cream godfrey shirt. I have my fathers gladius sword strapped to my brown leather belt, the wooden hilt engraved with beautiful ivory swirls.

I look high up in the sky, seeing the Olitan flag flowing in all of its red and blue glory. My eyes momentarily glance at the royal flag beside it, the family crest upon it, marking the ship as holding a royal family member.

It still sickens me to this day, how my father spoke of the royal family, how the prince was the people's "new hope" for a better life. Even as I stand, looking out at the beautiful teal ocean, I can still see the betrayal in my fathers hazel eyes as he took his last breath.

This is why I came aboard this ship along with the prince. Later tonight, on the last day of our voyage, I will sneak into the prince's quarters and slit his throat, finally enacting the revenge I've yearned to fulfill. Finally avenging my fami-

"PIRATES!" I'm snapped out of my thoughts when a crew member screams.

I narrow my eyes on the pirates, no more than ten of them covered in stolen trinkets, smiling evilly at the crew members, slitting their throats and fighting their way to gold in a scene of pure chaos.

The prince. As if on cue I hear a scream and snap my head to my right, seeing the prince retreating towards the end of the ship, finding him being closely trailed by one of the pirates. No, he's supposed to be my kill. I glare, then notice a life boat being lowered slightly to the right of the prince. A new idea pops into my head. I could just escape, avoid all of this mess. I bite my lip as I watch the prince continue to retreat. But then I would lose my chance for revenge.

My hand grips the familiar hilt of my blade and I unsheathe my gladius, running straight for the prince.

"PRINCE THEODORE!" I scream, catching his attention.

I turn towards the pirate, blocking his path to the prince and begin to fight. The pirate swings his blade wildly, slightly caught off guard.

I shout over my shoulder to the prince, "Make my father proud!" With that I shove the prince to the right and overboard, straight onto the life boat. When I turn back to the pirate he suddenly stabs me straight into the stomach.

I gasp, falling to my knees and reaching down, feeling the blood coming out too quickly. This is it. I look up to the royal flag, tears beginning to form in my eyes. "Make my father proud, cousin," I whisper, dropping my gladius as the darkness consumes me.

Word Count: 500

Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed! This flash fiction story was written for _Once_Upon 's Mulan themed contest! (Get member makes a sacrifice for another family member...anyhoo) Thanks again loves!

~Kate <3

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2017 ⏰

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