Bad reputation

11 3 1

My first class of the day was terrible to say the least. I spent majority of it trying to avoid 'boy wonder' and his annoyingly perfect smile. I mean come on..seriously! He looked like he'd just popped out of a Cosmopolitan or something.

As soon as the bell rang I quickly gathered my things and raced for the door. Trying my best to ignore my new found stalker...Perhaps the term stalker was a bit harsh. But I wasn't in any mood to make friends, all I wanted to do was get through the day unnoticed. Was that so hard to ask?

"Wait up!" Someone shouted a little too closely behind. Rather then turning around to see the origin of the demand I decided to speed up. Out of breath I rushed into the nearest bathroom with only one thought in my head I've got to stop smoking...

Sadly, there was no sanctuary in the bathroom. There was a group of barbies admiring there reflections in the mirror. Why did girls have to travel in packs? 

"Oh my god your hair is so trendy!" A blonde girl squeaked walking over to me. "Caroline come look at her hair." Before I knew it the small legion of girls surrounded me (well the three girls surrounded me..not necessarily a legion but whatever).

"It's super retro. You have that whole Pat benatai thing going on." she smirked crossing her arms. There was nothing retro about my hair. It was in a messy mop top of a bun.

"Totally" The other two agreed in unison.

Christ was this a Mean Girls moment or what?

I ignored the fact that she said pronounced Benatar wrong and forced a smile. "Thanks."

"You're the  new girl right?" She laughed as if mentally answering the question. "There's going to be a small get together at my house you should stop by."

Before I could say no she wrote down an address on a piece of paper and handed to me. "Be there or be square! " As the bell rang she giggled exiting the room with her carbon copies.

After my interesting experience I made my way out of the bathroom and the building.  I'd been itching for a smoke eversince first period and this was finally my chance.

I sat in the parking lot ducked behind one of the cars trying to light my lighter. "Come on...come on" I groaned. 

"You're aware that smoking kills, right?" Someone coughed squating across from me.

"I'm aware that you're annoying." I sighed instantly regretting the lame come back.

Instead of replying he simply chuckled. Which I found rather strange. Stealing a glance I looked up at the boy, he was hot.

Chocolate brown curls hung down onto his face and a smirk was painted across his face. Not to mention he was the only guy at this school not dressed head to toe in holister. He had on a simple button up and black jeans (that fit him a little too tight for my liking).

"You were saying?"

"Forget it..." I said quickly. 

"Shouldn't you be in class? Its only second period."

"Thanks I had no idea." I snapped returning the pack of cigarettes to my purse.  It was like my mouth had a mind of it's own, I had no real explanation for my aggression.  I just spoke fluent bitch..even to really cute boys.

Standing up I began to walk back toward the school trying not to say anything rude again.

"Aren't you just a ray of sunshine? " he said following me closely. "What's your name? I'm gonna go with something dark and hard core like bones or-"

"It's Blythe." I laughed hiding my smile.


"You sound disappointed..."

"Bones was a far cooler name. I'm Harry Styles nice to meet you Blythe."

"Harry Styles? Has anyone told you that you've got the perfect porn star name?" I laughed pushing past the double doors. But when I looked back he was gone. Without even a glass slipper, how cliché.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2014 ⏰

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