
258 23 21

(There'll be triggering topics in this chapter, viewer discretion advised, please read with care, I'll put trigger warning and an end)

Two skeletons, one dark boned and the other lighter boned, cuddled on a dark red couch, kissing each other for a few moments every so often.
"I love you Inky." The darker boned one purred, permanent blue tears staining his face while a golden yellow blush dusted his cheeks.
The lighter boned skeleton smiled, pulling the darker boned skeleton closer. "I love you too Error." He purred back, a rainbow blush dusting his face.
Three loud PING sounds were suddenly heard, making the two jump.
They laughed loudly, enjoying each other's company.
"Whose phone was that?" The darker boned skeleton, Error, asked. Glitches dancing around his head and body.
Ink checked his phone. Three texts, from an unknown number, that read:

Unknown: I know you're cheating on Dream
Unknown: I have photo proof.
Unknown: You wouldn't want your Dreamy to find out, would you?

Ink frowned, texting the number.

Ink: Who is this?! How do you know this?!

Panic slowly set into Ink's mind. No one was meant to know this, not even Dream or Error.

Unknown: I have my ways.
Unknown: Break up with your Ruru or your Dreamy
Unknown: Whoever you choose, you'll shatter their heart~

Ink gulped, getting up. "I'm sorry Error... I have to go!" He spoke nervously, picking up his jacket and putting it on as fast as he could.
"Why? What's wrong Inky?" Error asked, furrowing his non-existent brow in worry.
"Family emergency, sorry Error." Ink spoke quickly, clearly lying as he rushed out of Error's apartment.
"Oh, well I hope everything is okay!" Error shouted down to Ink, locking the door behind him.

Ink kept running until he got home, running into his room and slamming the door shut, panting heavily. He took off his jacket, taking his phone out and threw the jacket onto the floor. He opened the texts conversation between 'Unknown'. He read it, trying to figure out who it belonged to.

After thinking long and hard about it, he sent a message to 'Unknown'.

Ink: Who are you?

A reply was almost instant.

Unknown: Someone. Now decide Ink, Dream or Error. I'll know who you choose.

Ink stared at the number muttering angrily, he knew that this was wrong. He was cheating on Dream with Error but he loved them both. Equally. Knowing that he had to choose between one and the other, broke him. He hated choosing but he knew he had too.

He thought for hours, well into the night. By the time he decided, it was almost 1:04 AM. He opened Error's contact and sent a message to him.

Ink: I'm sorry Error. I can't be with you.
Error: Why?

Tears welled up in both their eyes.

Ink: I just... Can't... I'm sorry.
Error: Okay... Bye Ink. Sorry for whatever I did.
Ink: Bye Error.

The two cried. Error was heartbroken. Ink was too but he had to choose. Hours passed, Ink had cried himself to sleep while Error was still crying.

It was almost 5:00 AM when Error finally stopped but refused to sleep. It was the first time he let anyone in, and almost a year he trusted him not to break his heart. Error trusted Ink with his life and without reason Ink suddenly broke up with him. This wasn't fair. He did nothing wrong. What sucked was Error was in almost the exact same classes as Ink. They only had one or two different classes. Maybe Error could plan to skip school until he needed to go in? What could be a good lie to tell?


Error thought silently before he finally had an idea but he'd have to do a few things for it to be believable. He got up, running to the kitchen, his family all asleep, he opened a cutlery drawer without thinking. He picked up a large butcher's knife, his reflection shining brightly on the blade showing his permanently tear stained face. He instantly put the sharp blade to his bony wrists, creating multiple cuts, some deeper than the rest. Tears threatened to fall, but he loved the feeling of this pain in specific. It was relaxing, the stinging made him feel alive. It was addicting. It felt almost... Right.

He kept cutting, his whole right forearm drenched in his own blood as it dripped onto the floor. Error took a shaky breath in, he needed more of the addicting pain. He stabbed his own wrist, holding back a shriek of pain. After slowly pulling the blade out his bloody wrist, he held it up to his neck, breathing slowly, trying not to break down sobbing.
"ERROR?! What are you doing!?"
The skeleton heard someone shout, snapping his head towards the door. Pressing the blade closer, feeling a small amount of blood begin to drip.
"Error, please put the blade down!" A woman begged, taking a step closer to the dark boned skeleton.
"N-no!" Error shouted, fresh tears streaming down his face. He pulled the blade slowly across.
Without warning, the woman pulled the blade out of his grasp and threw it on the floor, hugging the bleeding skeleton tightly. Error breathed shakily, clinging to the woman tightly.
"M-mom! I-I'm so sorry!" He cried, hiccupping while blood dripped down from his arm and throat.
"Let's get you to the hospital. "She spoke softly, picking up the skeleton and holding him as if he were a young child, not a sixteen-year-old who was turning seventeen in a matter of months. She ran to her car, putting a white cloth around Error's wrist and another one around his neck to try to stop some bleeding. She placed Error in the front passenger seat, quickly hopping into the driver's seat herself as she drove, as fast as she could but in the driving limit, to the hospital.
Once they arrived, she picked Error up and ran into the ER in panic, Error had passed out not long into the journey and his breathing had shallowed.


They waited a total of five minutes before treating Error as best they could, hooking him up to all sorts of machinery during that. His mother stood outside the room, she couldn't bear to watch him be treated as she never thought her son would ever attempt anything like this.
A doctor stepped out. "What's your relation to him?" He asked her, his pen on a clipboard.
"I'm his foster mother." She answered quickly, worry clouding her eyes.
"Name?" He asked, writing.
"CQ. When may I see Error? Is he okay?!" She asked, trying to look inside the room.
"Error is fine, you'll see him soon Miss CQ. How did this happen?" He asked.
"He did it to himself... I don't know why... May I see him now? He's my son!" She shouted desperately.
"Okay." He nodded, side stepping out the way.
She ran into the room, instantly holding Error's hand. "Error? Honey?" She whispered.
Error opened his odd eyes half way, turning his head to face CQ. "M-mom..." It sounded as if it hurt for him to speak. "I-I'm s-sorry..." He whispered, squeezing CQ's hand gently.
"You're staying home and resting! I'm keeping an eye on you." CQ muttered, rubbing Error's hand gently.
Error nodded, closing his eyes slowly. This was what he wanted, now he didn't have to see Ink every time he went to class.

CQ took her phone out, phoning the school explaining that Error won't come in for a while before hanging up and calling her workplace, requesting that she had time off to take care of her injured son. She hung up putting her phone away. "Sleep well Error..." She whispered, rubbing Error's hand wondering why he did this.

(Chapter written by Skyler)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2017 ⏰

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