Stuck: Cameron Dallas.

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'Fuck what do I do now?' 'Cam, do you really think I would cheat on you? What the heck, Do you really wanna know? Cause you will ruin it for yourself.' 'WHAT IS GOING ON?' he raised his voice and let out a tear, 'ARE YOU CHEATING ON ME?' 'No, I'm not fucking cheating on you!' you spat him back, you regretted your choice of words immediatly but you were quiet pissed now 'I wanted to suprise you for our 8 month anniversary okay? But I needed some help and a boy's point of view and well since Nash is your best friend I wanted to ask him. But we couldn't discuss it with you around so we decided to keep it silent and tell the other boys our plan once it was planned. I would never ever even dare to think about cheating on you Cameron. You are my world, you are my life, my reason to breath, why would I do something that cruel to you? How could you even think about me cheating on you?' you bursted out in tears and sat down on a chair. Cameron stood there with tears in his eyes and your phone in his hand. 'I-I-I-I just... I just only saw those texts and-and-and... I don't know it were texts you would send someone to get together in secret and I-I-I..' he stuttered. 'Just don't you ever dare to think that I'm cheating on you Cam, I'm glad you asked me about it but just...... You couldn't know about what's was going on but I would never ever in my entire life cheat on you Cam, I love you way too much. Just remember that please. I trust you with everything I have that's including my phone but just don't ever think that again.' you wiped your tears out of your eyes and stood up. You walked over to him and he wrapped his arms around you, 'I'm sooo sorry babe, I just... assumed that someone so beautifull as you could easily date with someone better than me and that you would leave me. I don't know, I'm just scared to lose you. If I would lose you I would die.' he gave you a kiss on your forehead and you snuggled up in his chest. 'Cam, You are the best I could wish for, why on earth would I leave you?' 'I-I-I don't know, I just can't stand living without you. I don't even know if I ever lived before I met you, you just make me feel alive and make me realize I have a reason to breath and keep on living. You keep me with both feet on the ground.' You looked up at him and smiled. 'I love you Cam.' you wiped a tear away from his cheek and kissed him. 'I love you too, (Y/N) I'm sorry.' He kissed you again, 'Look guys, It's awesome! Eeeeeew.' Nash walked in and laughed 'LOOK LOOK.' Nash came over to you and showed you his blonde strokes. You had to admit that it looked really cool in his hair and it sure lightenend up his face and made his eyes pop out even more. 'It looks really good on you Nash.' you smiled at him. 'What's going on?' Nash asked with his eyes widened 'I had to tell him about our plan to surprise him, I didn't tell him about what we have planned, only that we have planned something. Sorry Nash, it was neccesary.' you gave him a little smile. 'Alright I get it, COULDN'T YOU WAIT CAM!?' Nash looked serious at Cam. Cam laughed 'I'm sorry Nash, I didn't know that you would take it that serious! I'm sorry, we had to clear things up including the surprise.' 'Okay, Okay but don't you dare to tell him what the surprise is, (Y/N)!' he pointed at you. 'I won't Nash I promise.' 'Heey, Do you wanna go and get some icecream in the mall?' 'Yes, I would love to. Just a minute.' you gave him a kiss and walked upstairs, you turned around before you reached your room and saw that Cam was talking to Nash. You walked into the room and looked in the mirror. Yes, you were pretty but what was it that made you special for Cameron? He was afraid to lose you to someone better but that isn't even possible because he is the best someone could have. What made him so insecure? He was perfect and was way out of your league but still he was afraid to lose YOU. You fixed your hair and did some lipgloss on your lips. Perfect! Ready to go. You brushed off the thoughts and walked downstairs and walked to the livingroom where Nash and Cameron were sitting. 'Ready Cam?' 'Yes, Nash, we are going. We will see you later. Make sure you lock the door and leave the key in the stone, Nash.' 'I will, have fun guys, thanks again! Bye, (Y/N).' Nash waved and Cam grabbed your hand and lead you towards the door, you waved back at Nash. 'Do you want to walk babe? Or rather take the car?' 'We can walk, the weather is beautiful and it's only a 15 minute walk.' 'Okay, no problem.' You started to walk 'I already know what I want. What are you gonna have?' Cam said smiling. 'Hmmm... that's a though one Cam. I never really can decide until the last minute haha, you know that.' 'Let me choose! I know what you like and what you don't like!' 'Okay, Do you think you can fix that?' 'Ofcourse I can! I'm Superman.' 'Sure, you are Cam.' you chuckled. You talked the whole way to the mall, about what happend this morning an about everything you wanted to talk about. That's what you loved about being with Cameron, you could talk about everything, serieus or random stuff it didn't matter, you just loved being with him. You walked into the mall and then a girl came up to you. 'Heey, you are Cameron! Can I take a picture with you? I really really like you, you're so hot! ' 'Sure.' Cam faked a smile and you saw that he didn't like the fact that he was reconized and had to stop the conversation with you. He still hold your hand while he took a selfie with the girl. 'Thank you, Can I give you my number or can I have yours?' 'I'm sorry, I'm here with my girlfriend.' he showed her your intertwined fingers 'And I don't give anyone my number. Sorry.' he faked a smile again, the girl looked a bit pissed and then he walked away with you, leaving the girl behind. 'I'm sorry babe, some fans are just so rude, I'm glad most of them know that I'm with you and they respect that but some girls... uggh..' 'Cam come here.' you stopped him, pulled him to you and gave him a kiss 'I don't mind, it's just a part of your life. I knew that when I started to date you, that this could happen and I really don't mind, it's okay. It's fine, Cam. Let's go and get some icecream.' you smiled at him and he smiled back. You walked to the icecafé and noticed that it was crowded in the mall but in the icecafé there was plenty of room luckily. A lot of people looked at you, you were claustrophobic and couldn't stand being in a small room with a lot of people or being close to a lot of people, so you scanned the surrounding, Cam knew that tho. He walked into the icecafé and walked up to the counter Cam ordered some frozen yoghurt with fruit. You both loved frozen yoghurt! You always got icecream by the icecafé in the mall, it was your standard place to go. Cam paid for the ice and handed you your icecream. 'Ohhh cherries!' you looked at him and smiled. 'It looks delicious Cam!' you gave him a kiss on his cheek and walked over to the table next to the window. You sat down 'Heey (Y/N), can I ask you something?' 'Ofcourse Cam.' 'Why do you like me?' he blushed. 'Do you wanna know all the reasons why I like you? Because there are a lot of reasons.' 'Yes, just tell me.' 'Okay Cam, You are honest, you are cute, you are handsome, you are a good listener, you care about people even if they hate on you, you love your family and animals, you trust people, you understand me without saying a word, you have humor, you have a beautiful smile, you give me butterflies everytime you look at me, you make me laugh and make me feel happy, your touch gives me chills, the way you are and the way you treat me just makes me feel so loved and appreciated, you make me feel beautiful and you just make people feel like they are special, I don't know how you do it but you do! I just love you for you.' you smiled. 'Thank you, I love you (Y/N).' he leant in and kissed you. You looked through the window and saw that there were some girls looking at you. 'Cam, I think they find you quiet interesting.' you nodded towards the girls who were standing on the otherside of the window looking at you and Cam. 'Oh god, No. Just don''t pay attention to it then they will probably go away, babe.' he grabbed your hand. Some started to take photos but you just ate your icecream. 'You picked some good icecream, Cam. It's soo nice! How is yours?' 'Mine is nice too. I have the same icecream I only have pineapple instead of cherries on it since you never really liked pineapple a lot and I do.' he smiled 'Do you wanna taste?' you nodded and he brought his spoon towards your mouth with some icecream and pineapple and you opened your mouth. He was right you didn't like pineapple very much but it was okay. You ate the icecream 'Well it's quiet nice but I still prefer the cherries.' you brought your spoon towards his mouth with some icecream and cherries and he ate if off your spoon. 'Wow, that's really nice, you're right.' he smiled and looked out of the window. 'Euuuhhhmm... babe.' you looked at the window and saw at least 25 girls standing for the window looking inside to you and Cam. 'I-I-I... Cam, I...' 'Babe, look at me you have to stay calm. Take a deep breath and eat your icecream. I'll be back in a minute.' Cam walked over to the counter and clearly asked for the manager which he knew in person since you came here all the time.This never really happend before tho, sure some girls asked Cam for a picture or a signature but this never happend before, it scared you. He talked to the man and the man nodded, the man walked towards the door and locked it. 'Babe, I talked to the manager and he agreed to lock the door and let us out through the backdoor. So we are just gonna finish our icecream and head home, okay?' You slightly started to panic since there kept coming people over to the window. You looked at your icecream and tried to stay calm. 'Babe, look at me, I know it's hard for you to not to panic but look at me.' he grabbed your hand and lifted your head up with his finger 'I'm here with you, I'm not gonna leave your side, I love you and I will stand by your side and protect you no matter what. I'm just gonna call Nash.' he held your hand and grabbed his phone with his other hand. He waited till Nash answered his phone. 'Heeey Nash, I need your help. I'm with (Y/N) at our local icecafé but we're getting mobbed. You need to get the car to the backdoor and park it as close as possible. They locked the fence at the back as well so I talked to manager and he is going to open it as soon as you arrive. Okay?' Nash talked to Cam 'Okay, just ring me when you arrive here.' Cam ended the phone call and looked at you 'Sooooo babe, you like me huh? And I'm cute right?' Cam giggled and tried to comfort you. 'Yes, you are cute Cam.' 'Well I think you are the most beautifull girl in the world and I'm happy that you're mine.' You jumped a little when the girls started to pound on the window, to draw attention. Cam looked at them and they started to scream, they constantly took pictures and pounded on the window. You were scared. Cam looked at you 'I'm here' he said to you, luckily his phone rang. 'Heey Nash. Yes, no we're still in here. FUCK!' Cam's eyes widened and he looked at you in shock. 'WHAT THE HECK!? ARE WE GONNA BE STUCK IN HERE? I CAN"T BREATH, I-I'M GONNA DIE IN HERE, I-I-I......' 'Babe?'

Fanfiction: You're mine, all mine, Cameron Dallas.Where stories live. Discover now