The Island Of Lost Souls

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Sherry's p.o.v

(images from google)

tw - blood and abuse

third pic is the scenery

A terrible sent filled my nose, waking me up instantly. I open my eyes slowly, taking in the blurry scenery around me. I seem to be outside, somewhere in an island. I look around and see trees, rocks, and fog. I get up with a groan and rub my head.

How am I even alive?

The side of my head that had been hit was covered in a gauze. I hear soft footsteps coming up to me. I turn around and see him.


Expect, it didn't look like it. It had an actual figure, something like a 20 year old boy. It was tall, had dark eyes with dark hair, reaching its shoulders. At this point, I feel to weak to fight anyone, let alone escaping a stranded island in the middle of nowhere. The cold breeze hit my shoulders, goosebumps running down my entire body. I shiver and see Red smile.

"When I brought you here-" It sighed. "-You looked like you needed some fresh air. So, why not enjoy the environment around you, right? Your body was so...easy. I had a fun time with you, Strawberry..."

Strawberry? Who the hell is that?

I look at it with angry eyes. "I'm not Strawberry. My name is Sherry."

It laughed, approaching me. "Here, this is my home. In my home, I label you whatever I please. For example, here I'm not known as 'Red'. I am known as 'Cherry'. You see, whenever someone new comes, I have to keep there identities a secret, so they will be easier to work with..."

I furrowed my eyebrows together. "Where are we exactly?" It looks away, focusing on the ocean. " you have a specific gender or..."

"You really want to know? Fine, I'll tell you." It yanked its hair back, to reveal a clean, shiny set of short, blonde hair. It then took off a mask covering their face. Their eyes were blood red, almost as bright as Sherry's. It then takes a piece of tape from its throat and throws it to the ground.

"Hey, Sherry. It's good to see you again." The low voice speaks.

I eyes go wide, tears stinking the back of my eyes. I breathing tightens, making my lips part a little.

"M-marcus?" I ask, stund.

He smirks, laughing. "Oh, Sherry. Its been a while, hasn't it? Welcome to my new and only home. 'The Island Of Lost Souls.' Has a nice ring to it, right? Ever since Mom and Dad brought me into this world, they thought I was a was sent from hell. After I turned 1, they took me to a doctor, to see what the hell was wrong with me. The doctor sounded like she was about to cry when she saw me. She took me in for examination for almost 5 years, before I got the news that you were born. I saw the look on Mom and Dad's face when you were born. Pure happiness and joy that they didn't have a screw up like me. They decided that it was best that you didn't know me, because who knows what I was capable of..."

Marcus stopped, choking on tears that were running down his face. I also felt the warm tears on my face too. He sighs heavily, looking back at the ocean. He takes a step forward me, making me flinch. He extends his arms out, ordering a hug. I sigh and smile, coming closer to him. I immediately stop, inches away from him.

"How do you know my name, Sherry?"

I look up at him, making eye contact. "I heard Mom and Dad mention your name a couple of times here and there, saying how they regret their decision by not keeping Marcus in their or my life. I've always wondered you that was. Friend, relative, object...I just couldn't understand. One day, I asked them who Marcus was. They looked at me with sad eyes and said that he was my younger brother that passed away in a car accident before I was born. Being my parents, I believed them without second thought. But then, how do you know my name, Marcus?"

Marcus looks down, wiping a tear with his hand. "I heard your name when Mom was in that wheelchair, holding you, calling you a miracle from heaven. 'Sherry, Sherry, Sherry. This child is a miracle from God!' I started to cry, running to Mom to hug her, but she...she... just pushed me away, telling me to stay away from you so I wouldn't hurt you. Dad grabbed me and brought me outside, yelling at me to stay away from this family. I was so...hurt that I ran. I ran and ran and I-"

I hugged him, sobbing in his shirt. I caught him of guard, making him almost fall. He hugged me back, crying too. We stood there for a good minute, our crying decreasing. Suddenly, I felt a strong pain in my stomach. I gasp, looking down to see a pocketknife stabbing me. I slowly look up to see Marcus smiling.

"That doesn't mean I wasn't jealous of you...dear sis."

He extracted the pocketknife from my stomach, making my blood spray on his shirt. I fall on the ground, seeing his toothy grin.

"W-why...are you-" I was kicked in the ribcage, making me scream in pain. I was slowly seeing stars, my vision becoming blurry.

No...I can't die now! Why is he doing this?

He lifts me up, putting my body on his back, piggy-back style. "Don't worry, sis. All this will be over, just you wait..." was all I heard until I stopped breathing.



surprise! did i do a good job? i tried :/ i know its kinda short but i'll write more when i get an idea.

i'm not dead! sorry it took long. since school is starting soon, i had to catch up on things. don't worry tho, she wont die ;)

also thank you for 27 reads! it really isn't much but i appreciate you reading. (next time lets vote and comment, if you'd like)

until next time!


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