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Zayn sings quietly to himself, making sure the lyrics to the beat he created is satisfactory before he performs it in front of his music class later today. He calls the song "Befour". About his life before college mostly, which probably isn't very interesting to the rest of the world but of its put in a song, it will most likely make up for something...hopefully.

Hopefilly, his classmates won't listen to the lyrics much so they won't get too bored.

Zayn hears a knock on his door, making him break concentration and snap his head up. He sighs heavily and stands from sitting on his bed before walking over to the door. He opens it to reveal Niall, moving out of the way to let the blond boy in.

"Why didn't you just use your key?" Zayn questions as he walks past him.

"I left it in here." Niall shrugs.

Zayn closes the door and walks back over to his work that's giving him endless anxiety. He can't wait to perform this and just be done with it.

"Is that your assignment for music?" Niall asks.

"Yeah." Zayn sighs shakily, having a knot in his stomach. He looks up at Niall as the blond walks past him.

"Are you nervous?" Niall asks, sticking his head into the mini fridge as he does.


"That's your problem Zayn." Niall says as he comes back out of the mini fridge, a yogurt in his hand. He looks at Zayn who waits for his explanation. "Don't get so damn nervous. Aren't you used to performing?"

"Not at all actually." Zayn says, shaking his head. "Until I came here, I've never performed in front of anyone."


"Never had the oppurtunity." He shrugs.

"Not even like, in front of your family or something?" Niall questions, searching his desk drawer for a spoon and successfully finding one.

Zayn thinks back to his past, ignoring the fact Niall puts spoons in his desk drawer. "No." He responds.

"What? Were they too busy for you?" Niall snaps, quirking up an eyebrow. Zayn watches as he tears off the top of the yogurt cup before throwing it out.

"Um, yeah, actually. My parents are entrepreneurs so they were busy...and rich."

"Like...Richy rich type rich?"

Zayn cracks a small smile. "I guess you could say that."

"Damn. What are you doing here? You could be going to a private college."

"I wanted to go here." Zayn says.

Niall plops on his bed, the bottom bunk, while Liam owns the top. Zayn, however, stayed in his own quarters. It wasn't a huge fight, though. Liam and Niall wanted the bunks.

In fact, when they were moving in, Liam came with Zayn. Niall was the first to be here, already have taken the bottom bunk. Although, Liam wanted the bottom so the kid actually waited for Niall to get back from wherever he was and they argued a little but Niall won and then they became close friends somehow.

Maybe it was because they both shared the same majors, their education degree. They both want to be teachers, which is beyond Zayn because he cannot stand children, especially teenagers. He doesn't see how anyone would want to be a teacher. He doesn't even like people in general, except Liam. Liam is a huge exception.

Zayn didn't talk much at the time, still doesn' Niall at least.

And yeah, it does make Niall feel kind of bad, even though he tries his best not to show it.

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