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Tae thought about it and said, "Dolphin Tale."

Third Person POV
Tae watched Jungkook start the movie and then sit on the other end of the couch. He fought the urge to pout about not being able to cuddle and tried to pay attention to the movie. Dolphin Tale was one of his favorite movies and it was supposed to always be able to make him happy, but it wasn't working because he wanted to cuddle. He didn't even know why he wanted so badly to just get on Jungkook's lap and have Jungkook hold him.

Jungkook watched Tae a lot more than he watched the movie. In the middle of the movie Tae looked over at him unexpectedly with a pout. "What's wrong baby boy?" He watched Tae cock his head with a frown but Tae still didn't answer. To be honest he didn't have an answer it genuinely confused and frustrated him that he wanted to cuddle with a man he just met not even two hours ago.

Jungkook waited patiently for an answer before pulling Tae into his lap. He repeated his question, "What's wrong?" Tae blinked at his change of position but didn't make a move to get off of Jungkook's lap. He looked down with a blush after he realised what Jungkook asked him. He didn't want Jungkook to hate him, but he mumbled, "Cuddles?"

Jungkook took his finger and gently lifted Tae's red face, "What did you say baby boy? I couldn't hear you." Tae looked away from Jungkook and said again, "Cuddles?" Jungkook frowned in thought. Why would he be embarrassed to ask for something as simple as a cuddle? Then Jungkook started laughing as he thought about the cuteness Tae possessed without realising it.

Tae squirmed on Jungkook's lap, "Stop laughing at me." Jungkook bit his cheek and cleared his throat to get his laughter under control before he spoke, "Baby boy, I'm sorry. You're just too cute for your own good, but to answer your question: Yes, you can have cuddles." Tae blushed even harder at the compliment and wrapped his arms around Jungkook's waist. He laid his head on Jungkook's shoulder and inhaled his scent. He smelled like pine and a little bit of cologne. Jungkook wrapped his arms around Tae and put his chin on Tae's head.

The feel of Tae breath on his neck made him feel something that he hadn't felt from someone in a long time: contentment. "Baby boy." Tae hummed in response as he started feeling drowsy. "Don't ever be afraid to ask me for something okay? I might not always say yes but I most definitely want you to ask." He felt Tae shift just slightly before replying, "Okay Kookie." Jungkook waited a couple of moments before grabbing the blanket off the back of the couch and surrounding them with it. He laid a gentle kiss on Tae's head and went to sleep as well thinking about how nice it was to be able to have a real connection with someone without fear.

Really short chapter but it's okay. I just wanted some taekook fluff and also a little view on Jungkook's thoughts.

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