|TCAU| Transmale!Yao (ft Spachu and Frapan)

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Yao laid his head against the window of the car, blankly watching the world go by. There was a huge, three day long world meeting starting the next day, and he and Antonio were on their way to the designated hotel.
Yao was particularly annoyed with the timing of the meeting, because, transgender or not, his body had decided that today was a good day to start menstruating. It was the worst possible timing ever.
It always made him nervous to be around other countries during this time of the month, despite having hidden his biological gender for almost his whole life. 
Antonio said it was impressive that he had kept the secret for so long, especially with his boss preventing him from actually transitioning.
Yao sighed, and Antonio looked over briefly.
"You doing okay?"
"I'm Fine," Yao answered.
"are you sure?" Yao realized that he usually said that in a way that meant the opposite.
He looked over with a wry smile. "It's just cramps," he clarified.
"Oh." Antonio paused. "Let me know if you need to stop."
Sometimes the countries would be put into rooms alphabetically, other times they would be randomized. (The host countries usually went through to make sure nobody who hated each other was paired up in one room.) it was an unspoken agreement to keep the two systems alternating.
This time it was randomized, however... Somehow it had happened that the hotel that they were to stay at was almost full. This time they ended up 4 to a room. As a sort of compensation though, the countries were allowed to pick one of their roommates.
Yao blamed America for the situation, after all,he was the host. But at least he got to stay with Antonio.
When they walked into the hotel room at 8pm, their other roommates were already there. Francis and Kiku were sitting on one of the beds, cuddling.
"Hola, Francis." Antonio greeted, as Francis and Kiku looked up.
Yao nodded at Kiku briefly, who returned the greeting.
Yao looked at Francis, uncomfortable. If it was just Kiku, maybe he would have been more comfortable, but the whole situation was nearing too much. With a glance at Antonio, he went over to the empty bed and laid down on his stomach.
"Long trip?" Francis asked, and Yao wasn't sure if the question was because of him, or just in general.
"Yeah," Antonio said, sitting down next to Yao, "we woke up pretty early."
Yao curled up on the bed, trying to calm down the cramps he always had while on his period. Antonio put a hand on his shoulder, but Yao shrugged him off.
"That doesn't look good," Francis commented.
"Ah, he just gets like that sometimes," Antonio responded.
'I'm just tired', Yao thought, but didn't bother speaking.
"Huh," Francis responded, and briefly glanced at Kiku.
Yao bit his lip, nervous. He got out his phone and repeatedly texted Antonio spaces until the younger man got out his own phone.
"will it look weird if I take my bag into the bathroom?" Yao texted him.
"You could probably make it look more natural if you go to change clothes at the same time," came the response.
Yao lay there for a moment, thinking, and then got up and got what he needed, hoping the others couldn't see how badly his hands were trembling.
He locked himself in the bathroom and looked at himself in the mirror. We're his breasts obvious despite the binder?
God, he had never been so dysphoric in his life.
Yao ended up standing behind shower curtain to change so he didn't have to see himself in the mirror. He couldn't bring himself to take off the binder, because of the two nations that didn't know Yao's anatomy.
Wait, could Kiku remember the few months that he was with Yao before he had started trying to bind?
Antonio was talking to Francis, when Yao opened the door and peeked out.
"Toni... will you come here for a moment?"
Antonio stood up quickly, hearing Yao's voice waver like it did when he was panicking. "I'll be back in a sec, Francis."
He noticed briefly the genuine concern in the Frenchman's eyes.
Antonio rushed over to the bathroom and closed the door behind him.
"What's wrong?"
"I can't do this." Yao was crying. "It's just too much to handle. With this stupid- stupid..." he tripped over the English sentence before finally deciding on a word, "stupid estrogen! It's bad enough that I'm too dysphoric to take off my binder!"
At that point Antonio went over and hugged him.
"I can't be here!" Yao started sobbing.
A gentle knock sounded on the door. Yao looked up at Antonio, panic evident in his eyes.
"Is everything alright in there?" Francis sounded really concerned.
"E-everything's fine." Yao responded.
"Yao," Kiku's voice was there too "I don't think that's true."
"... Go away, Kiku."
"Yao, you don't have to hide from me."
Yao went quiet and looked to Antonio, who shrugged.
"You can trust me. I-" Kiku cut himself off briefly before continuing. "I'm not exactly cisgender either."
Yao's eyes widened, the meaning of the statement hitting him. He went over and hesitantly opened the door.
"Yao, no matter what, you are my brother and I accept you."
Yao looked at Kiku, tearing up again.
"Forgive me if I'm wrong, but you're a trans man, correct?"
"How did you..."
"I had a hunch, and a very vague memory from when you first took me in."
"I was worried you remembered that..."
Kiku was silent for a moment. "I want you to know that I will do anything to support you."
Yao bit his lip. "Um, you should know that my boss doesn't support this and he... he won't let me transition fully."
"Okay, that's good to know."
There was an awkward silence before Yao asked, "So um, you're not cis...?"
Kiku shrank slightly. "I'm... I'm a demiboy."
"Um...?" Yao looked at him.
Kiku looked slightly nervous and glanced at Francis.
Francis took over. "Their gender is like male, but not quite."
"Okay..." Yao still seemed confused.
"Kiku uses neutral pronouns when they can," Francis continued, "Though he's still fine with being called a man. Isn't that right, my little boy?"
Kiku blushed and sputtered out something about being older than Francis.
Francis just smiled.
"You be good to my brother." Yao warned Francis. He glanced at Kiku, who smiled.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2017 ⏰

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I torture male characters by turning them female and giving them female problemsWhere stories live. Discover now