Why are you so smart (Chapter2)

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Here's chapter 2 I'ma be honest it will probably be just as shit as the first!!! Oh btw Eren has wolf ears and a wolf tail in his "human" form and he can transform into a wolf Levi also has ears and a tail in his human form but of course cat ears and tail.

Eren POV

I woke up to Levi licking my face he was so cute I don't know how anyone could throw him on the street... Well of course he could have been born on the street. It was 6:14 it was so early but who cares. "Hi there little Levi" he meowed in response but his tone sounded annoyed but how could cats have so much emotion and be so smart he spelled out his name for god sake HIS NAME!? I should call Titan INC. and explain what happened mabey they will give me a second chance. *RING* *RING* *RING* "Hello" the person on the other end said "Hello this is Eren Jaeger I was suppose to go in yesterday for my first day but because of the extreme rain I couldn't make it I was wondering if I could have a second chance...or something I guess" hopefully she will let me I don't know if that was convinceing or not "O-oh sir yesterday no one was working because of the rain you mustn't have got the voicemail but your next 'first' day is...... next Monday!" I release a heavy sigh and answer her "Thank God and next Monday got it I won't be late i go in at 7:30 right?" "Yes sir that's correct I have to go now I have other work to do goodbye" she said and then hug up the 'yes I didn't blow it and I'm not jobless either HOLY TITAN ASS IM LUCKY!!' "Meowwwwww...." Oh I totally zoned out I guess I should make breakfast for the both of us "you hungry kitty?" I asked seeing if he would respond since he's so smart "Meow!" He replied happily 'why is he so smart...oh well it's probably nothing" I got up and walked to the kitchen and made me eggs and bacon and I also made some coffee. I gave Levi some cut up bacon and chicken and some water. After we both ate I decided to watch some TV Levi ended up curling up on my lap.

(Time skip because Erens titans ass)

After 4 hours of TV I decided to go get a snack at the cafe down the street so I said bye to Levi and headed to the cafe.

Levi POV

That man is just so....so... Nice, Caring, Friendly, and S-sexy. His sent was so intoxicating I want him to be my Alpha. He just left to go somewhere he didn't say but I thought this was my chance to have a shower or mabey a bath so I transformed into my human form and headed to the washroom and hopped in since I was already naked I turned on the water and put it to my desired temperature and sat down in the bath. "~So warm" I purred but my relaxation all ended when I heard the front door open and someone say my name I assumed it was the guy that took me in I still don't know his name. I couldn't transform into my cat form because he would wonder how the water got in the tub if I tried to drain the water it wouldn't drain fast enough. The last option I have is hide and there's no where to hide so I guess his going to kick me out when he sees me. As soon as I finish my thought he walked in and saw me and gasped. 'well this is it he'll hate me and will never love me...'


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