Chapter 5

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"Whats up Hope?" Jake questioned again. I wanted to tell him but i couldnt. I feel stupid being afraid of an elavator. Jojo ran to my side, smoothing down my hair and dragging me to the door that was labelled "Stairs".

She pushed the door and shoved me in.

"Dont worry your ok now, sorry i completley forgot, its ok," Jojo soothed.

"I-its ok, i shouldnt h-have to re-rely on you for everthing," I stuttered still in a little bit of shock.

She nodded as we walked up the many, many flights of stairs.

"Oh shit!" Jojo exclaimed and stopped walking.

"What?" I asked giving her a questioning look.

"We dont know the floor or door number of their room, and we dont have their numbers either!" She whined.

"Uh this is all my fault. Should we just go to the reception and ask?" I said.

"Its not your fault, you cant help it that you dont like small spaces, and no they wont give us it its always very private.."

"Damn.." I muttered under my breath.

"Ok well lets keep walking, we should find them one way or another," I suggested but i knew it wasnt a great idea.

She nodded and we carried on up the stairs.

Then out of nowhere Andy ran right past us. 

"Er Andy, where you going?" I asked casually.

He stopped to look for a second then carried on then stopped again.

"Oh there yous are, sorry i didnt see you! Are you ok Hope you and Jojo just left?!" Andy asked worry filling his eyes.

"Sorry im really claustraphobic and havent been in an elavator since i was trapped in one for 4hours with...with..Nevermind.." I tried to push the thoughts away.

"With who?" Andy asked edging forward. 

"Nobody! Lets go.." jojo said getting slightly frustrated with Andy's eagerness to find out and my concern of not wanting to tell anyone.

"Oh ok, yeah lets go..Only one problem.." Andy said.

"And that is..?" Jojo asked.

"We are on the 97th floor," Andy smiled weakly.

"Damn.." Jojo said.

"Lets take the elavator..." I stuttered slightly, regretting i said that.

"What!? You havent been on an elavator since...Well since that 'insident' and you are claustraphobic?" Jojo stated.

"I know but i cant be arsed walking all the way up to the 97th floor!" I said.

"Good plan, lets go,"

So we walked back to the elavators and Andy pressed the up button. We waited for it to come down and then it made a "Ding" noise as the doors open. I took a heavy breath and grabbed Andy's hand subcontiously.

He smiled and squeezed my hand reassuring me. Jojo stepped in the elavator first stretching her arms out to me, smiling, gesturing me to come in. I gulped and slowly walked in.

I stood in the elavator beside Jojo and cuddled beside Andy. 

Then the doors began to close.

My heart rate increased mega style and my breathing became heavy and uneven.

jojo pressed the '9' then the '7' and the elavator came alive. 

"Oh my god," I muttered under my breath. Andy squeezed my hand re-assuring me again, and i smiled weakly.

You said you loved me as you left me...A Jake Pitts love story♥.Where stories live. Discover now