Seeing Him Again

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The next day is here and i have to go to the studio. I need to pratice my song for the second part, but hopefully i can get closer to Wonho some how.

As i am walking one block away from the studio i notice these guys following me. Why, i am scared so i turn trying to lose then but they are still right behind me i cant get ride of them. What do i do?

One gets up right behind me and grabs me on my shoulder and pushes me up against the wall. He tries to kiss me, but i dont let him; the guy gets mad at me and he punches me and i am laying ther on the ground with a bruise on my face. Even though im down they kick me and kick me.

They finally leave me there as i can barley breath i lean up against the wall crying and crying waiting for someone to save me.

They finally leave me there as i can barley breath i lean up against the wall crying and crying waiting for someone to save me

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As I try to get up reaching for my phone I see a man get hit and fly at the entrance of the alley. He looks like one of the guys that did this to me ..... then another one goes flying. Who is doing this and just then I see him walking over them its wonho. How did he know I was here why would he save me I had so many questions I wanted to ask but I just couldn't I was even to weak to lift a finger.

Wonho get closer and closer.....

I see his eyes right in front of me know its so clear its him

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I see his eyes right in front of me know its so clear its him. I missed him so much....

Wonho picks me up so softly and then runs with me in his hands not getting tired at all because he sees all the blood I am losing going all over his suit dripping down my arm.

Wonho picks me up so softly and then runs with me in his hands not getting tired at all because he sees all the blood I am losing going all over his suit dripping down my arm

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We finally get to the studio and he cries out yelling call 911. While he is holding my hand making me look at him and making sure I stay awake. I see that wonho is crying and I raise the hand that isn't dripping with blood and I say don't cry while I whip away his tear.

......(15 minutes later the ambulance arrives)

I wake up after 3 days of being in a coma right when wonho comes to visit me finally. I still have cuts and bruises all over my body and some stitches down my arm. The thing is that doesn't matter to me all I care about is that he is here by my side. I was dreaming about him constantly over and over again.

Wonho looks at me as my eyes slowly open and says finally I was worried about you?

All I could say was sorry as one tear rushed down my face and just as Wonho was reaching to wipe it away I.M walks in. He caught wonho and says what are you doing don't you have a girlfriend.

Wonho turns and says yes....but its just that oh nvm forget it but I have the car.

I.M has a wheelchair and wonho picks me up and puts me in it so I am guessing they already checked me out with the doctor and all.

Wonho drives and I am in the passanger seat. He drops of I.M at the dorm room first and then take me home. He carries me all the way up stairs and all we did was look at each other the whole time. When we finally get into my bedroom he puts me down on my bed and goes to pull the covers over me, but when we get to my face he stops....and stares at my lips.

So I close my eyes and he gets closer and closer to my face and he hes drunk I can smell it on his cloths. Did they not know? What is he about to do?

He gets...gets closer to my lips with his lips and he gentaly grabs my face with are lips touching only a little bit with my eyes still closed. He stops there and say please please don't get hurt anymore I cant stand it then he just gets up and leaves.

That night I didn't sleep because I keep thinking about the moments when I saw him.

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