Aizawa Shouta

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A black-haired female hero was walking down a hall in U.A. Academy with a stack of papers in her right hand and she took one of them before looking at it. Her single, bright orange eye scanned the paper and she sighed softly, not looking forward to grading class 1-A's assignments. She put the paper back on the stack and wished that Shouta would at least help with grading.

A loud, cheery voice met her ears and she instantly recognized it as belonging to Yamada Hizashi, also known by his hero name as Present Mic, "Tazz-chan~!" She looked back with a displeased expression as the blond jogged up to her, "I thought I told you to drop the '-chan.' I'm already 20 and it makes me feel like a kid." He gave her a grin and waved his hand dismissively, "Sure, sure, Tazz-chan. Anyway! Can you change your arm? I wanna feel the pads!"

She let out a small sigh and shifted the stack of papers to her left hand before holding her right hand up. Black flames encased her entire arm before dying to show that her arm had changed form. It had become covered in soft black fur, the hand becoming a bit larger and more paw-like, and her nails had changed into orange claws while squishy orange pads developed on the fleshy parts of her hand and fingers.

Hizashi grinned and grabbed her hand, using his thumbs to squeeze the pads on her palm before he pressed it against his cheek, "Ah~! So soft~!" She sweat-dropped and just let him continue to rub her hand on his cheek before he reached out with his other hand and made a grabbing motion, "Lemme see your tail too!" She blushed faintly and deadpanned, "No. You know it's sensitive."

He pouted childishly and his shoulders sagged, "Please~? I promise I won't squeeze it!" She sighed before letting her long black tail slip out from above the waistband of her camouflage cargo pants, "You're lucky you're my friend..." He grinned happily and lightly grabbed the thin tip of her tail before rubbing the orange poof against his other cheek while keeping her hand against the other, "So soft~! This is one of the best feelings in the world~!"

She smiled a bit at how pleased he was before her arm reverted back to normal in a poof of smoke. Hizashi blinked behind his shades and sweat started beading down as he paled a bit, hinting to Tazz what he saw. She sighed and took her hand from him, "Shouta's behind me using his quirk on me, isn't he?"

The loud hero nodded and slowly released her tail before a scarf wrapped around her waist and pulled her back into a firm body as the owner released her from his quirk, "Hizashi, quit harassing my aide." Hizashi held his hands up with a nervous smile, "Easy! I was just feeling how soft she is! You should try it." A tick-mark appeared on Tazz's forehead and Shouta put a hand on her shoulder, "Don't you have things to do?"

The blond laughed nervously and gave a wave before rushing off. Shouta draped his arms over her shoulders and slumped against her, resting his chin against the top of her head. She smiled and put her hand on his right forearm, "So, any reason as to why you showed up in the middle of that?"

He let out a low hum and buried his face in her hair as he loosely wrapped his arms around her neck, "You were taking too long so I decided to see what you were up to." She chuckled softly and squeezed his forearm, "The only reason I'd be late to anything is because of Hizashi." He nodded in agreement before reaching down and taking half of the stack of papers from her, "Come on. Let's go get started."

She rolled her eye and followed him down to the teachers' room, "It'd probably be already halfway done if you had taken some from the beginning." He held the door open for her before entering behind and walking over to his desk, silently noting that they were the only two in the room, "Yeah, yeah." He sat down and pointed at his shaggy hair, "Can you put my hair up?"

She sat in her own chair next to his and arched a brow while setting her portion of the papers on his desk, "Can't you do it yourself?" He shrugged a shoulder and scratched his cheek with a finger, "Yeah, but I like it more when you do it..." She smiled and rummaged through her pockets until she found a hair-tie before getting up and standing behind him.

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