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That's all Kelsey Williams felt , she had never been this confused ,the day had started out great , well as in her kind of great , first day of 2nd year at college , Mum and Dad finally stopped fighting ,at least that's what it looks like .

Well they aren't actually talking but at least they aren't fighting .

I think its better that they aren't talking because I'm nineteen and all they have ever done since I turned seven was fight and well fighting parents don't exactly raise the best kids soo......

My elder brother is 23 and still at home , he does not add to the family at all cause well he doesn't exactly have a job , I mean who would want to give a job to someone who sleeps 16 Hours a day .

"I'm like what the heck" . I don't sleep more than 9 hours unless its a weekend ,so back to Gabe the remaining 8 hours he's awake are used to drink, go to Pizzaria and hang out with those blubber heads ,I think he calks friends ,well me and my brother haven't had a decent conversation in five years ,and trust me , I'm not okay with that , I mean when he was still normal which he obviously isn't right now ; we were best friends , he used to be a strong pillar for me .

And then my awesome little sister Andrea the worst of us okay maybe not "us all " she's not exactly little anymore since she's 16  but she makes me scared , I mean when she was younger she was cute and scary but in a cute way  but right now she's just dead scary , like she wears black all the time right down to her contacts cause she has brown eyes , I mean I'm sure you're gonna say she has a right to freedom of dressing , but she also has a skull tatoo on her right arm I saw it last week Cliché right but she doesn't talk to me much , I mean like apart from things like "excuse me" , "I'm leaving " she doesn't  say any thing to me

And her friends  "Woah" they look like life was just sucked and drained out if them. She is "MY" sister and I miss her , she was always the annoying one that shouted "Mum Kel pierced her ears" or " Mum Gabe went swimming at Alberto's"

Now that perky girl is gone and has been replaced by a moody girl who has way too many mood swings.

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