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Well Alberto Is Gabe's best friend and what I mean by "is" is i mean presently even till now when all of Gabe's friend  have deserted him , Alberto still comes over even though Gabe doesn't answer his door , Alberto never fails to come by every Saturday at 2:00pm .

So before you start a pity party for me , I've grown quite accustomed to this life , Its not awesome ,its not great ,its not even any where close to normal but I'm not complaining anymore , I mean even if I cry or I'm moody , it won't change.

     People think my life is awesome because my family is really rich and my Dad is a billionaire and owns Silver palm legacy and I wear pretty clothes, well everyone in my family does,Thanks to my Mum but everything is not what it seems like

        Well about four years ago,I saw a drawing in Dreà's room, well we looked terrible and under the picture she wrote "objects and persons in this picture are worse than they appear". Ha Ha

           So even if I had a perfectly dysfunctional family: I mean a Dad who cares more about his money than he does for his family, a Mum who prefers lipstick to her children ,My brother who I even think is a drug addict, me and my problems and Dreà and her crazy goth life even though she says she's not one I still felt like I had someone I could confide in " Ha" I was just deceiving myself, the world is terrible,well this someone is the person of my best friend Jean Andrews.

Jean Andrews was my Best friend for 10 years note I said was,we met at one of those fancy dinner parties , I always have to attend because of my Dad,Andrea didn't come because she went to a school party and well I think I was the only kid at that party under 12 because I was 10. I was so bored ,so I went out of the main Hall and to the balcony, the view was very beautiful ,so I sat down and started thinking ,my thoughts took me back to two hours earlier when my parents were fighting over what car to use,they fight about everything Ugh so annoying,I think it would be better to have only one car and one company and maybe only one of every thing because they can turn any good thing evil, so while I was in thought mode which usually consists of me sitting cross legged and biting my lip ,Suddenly  someone tapped my shoulder, it was a little girl she like she was between 8-9 years of age but obviously not up to 10,she was really pretty. I got up and held out my hand and said" hello I'm Kelsey I would really prefer you call me Kel" she said hers was Jeanette but it sounded so archaic so I called her Jean she was really friendly and also 11 what a surprise she was really small for her age we started talking and she told me how she was staying with her aunt for the holidays so she was practically dragged to the party we chatted for a while and I discovered she was in my school even in my class anyways I wasn't surprised I didn't know almost everyone in my class well I didn't really interact I also didn't care if house is my classmates called me the snobby rich girl anyways after that weekend we met and school when school resumed and we became friends we were both each others only friends after a while we became best friends

         So that kind of wraps up my thoughts and transports me to the present so here I am sitting down in the garden beside the parking lot I can see my car from where I'm sitting
          The only person I had been hanging on to for the past had just tore to shreds what was left of my heart

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