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A few days went by as the two boys got to know eachother even more, now both aware of one another's sexuality and family situation.

The house seemed to feel like a home to Yoongi for the first time since he moved in. Jimin's presence was something that he seemed to need in order to be comfortable.

"Your father is calling!" Jimin yelled from the living room, holding Yoongi's phone up.

The older jogged into the room, jumping on to the couch with a loud thud.

"Mhm?" He hummed as an answer.

"I booked a flight for you to America on friday." His father said.

"What? Why?" Yoongi asked, straightening his back.

He felt like what he was about to hear was not going to be pleasant.

"Ga-Hui and his grandfather are coming here for a week, I need you to be here too."

"I don't want to."

Jimin raised his eyebrows at Yoongi, kind of asking what they were talking about but Yoongi shook his head.

"You don't have a choice. I'll take your money and your house if you're not here then." His father said coldly. "See you."

Yoongi placed the phone down, ending the call for once before his father did.

"What is it?" Jimin asked.

"I think I have to leave to America in two days." He answered, spacing out as he thought about what week would be like in there.

"For how long?"

"A week."

Jimin let out a small sigh.

"Ga-Hui and her grandfather are going there." Yoongi said. "I really don't want to go there. I hate to pretend to be something I'm not. I hate to watch my parents pretend like they care about me."

He actually felt like crying. He had gotten used to finally being able to be himself in front of Jimin and now he had to change almost everything about himself for a whole week.

Jimin watched as a single tear rolled down Yoongi's cheek and that was enough for him to just wrap his arms around the boy's neck.

Yoongi let him pull his body closer and closer until the two had no space left between them. He wrapped his arms around Jimin's rather small waist and snuggled his head into his neck. He cried against the younger's skin, his tears rolling down the boy's neck.

"Let's spend some quality time for the last two days before you go." Jimin whispered, caressing Yoongi's back with his hand. "And when you leave, just make sure to call me whenever you can and want to."

Yoongi nodded, trying to hold Jimin closer, which really wasn't possible anymore.

Eventually the two fell asleep on the couch, arms wrapped around eachother, Yoongi's face buried in Jimin's neck.

Yoongi was the first one to wake up so he just stayed in his spot, Jimin's arms securely around his neck. He stared at the bruised boy, wondering if his face was going to be back to normal when he returned to him from America. Just how much of a shock it would be for Yoongi when he saw the already beautiful man's face without any swelling and wounds? If he already thought that Jimin's was the most beautiful person he had ever seen, what will he think then?

"Why are you staring at me?" Jimin mumbled, his eyes still closed.

Yoongi felt his face heat up a little bit. "I was just thinking."

"About what?"

"Your face."

Jimin smiled a little, hugging the older a little tighter. He felt warm and safe with him so close. He didn't want to let go of him at all, and just imagining a week alone in this house made him want to scream. Imagining just how much Yoongi will suffer in America, pretending to be something he isn't made Jimin want to scream even more.

"Can we just lay like this?" Jimin asked, still not opening his eyes.

"You don't want to eat anything?" Yoongi chuckled.

"Well I do, but I want to cuddle too."

"We can order something to eat and then cuddle more."

Jimin nodded, slowly opening his eyes. Yoongi thought that he was the cutest little creature in the world. He brushed a little bit of Jimin's pink hair back and smiled at him.

"You're so handsome already, what do you look like when you're face isn't beat up?" He asked out loud.

"You'll just have to wait and see." Jimin smiled.

"Am I going to need an ambulance then? Is it a heart attack worthy moment?"

"I don't think so. I have to look at your face every day and I'm still alive."

"Was that a compliment?"


Yoongi hugged Jimin quickly before finally getting up. "What do you want to eat?"

He grabbed his phone and looked trough his messages. Bo-Gyeong had texted him a half an hour ago that he was coming over.

"Shit." Yoongi cursed.

Jimin sat up on the couch, furrowing his eyebrows. "What?"

The doorbell rang, the both of them turning their heads to the direction of the sound.

"It's one of my so called friends." Yoongi whispered.

"Should I go to my room?" Jimin asked, getting up.

"No, I don't want to deal with him. Let's just pretend that nobody is home."

"Call him to say you're not home."

Yoongi called Bo-Gyeong, trying to speak as quietly as possible.

"Hey, kid. Sorry I saw your text so late but I'm not home." He said as soon as he answered.

"Seriously?" Bo-Gyeong sighed.

"Mhm, just go clubbing or something."

"Are you coming later?"

"No, I have some things to do before I go to America on friday."

"You're going to America?" Bo-Gyeong asked, suprised.

"For a week." Yoongi let out a sigh. "I have to spend time with my parents, it's going to be the death of me."

Jimin stared at him as he spoke a little longer, only lies coming out of his mouth. He could only imagine what Yoongi was feeling, lying about every little thing for the sake of his parents' reputation.

"I'm sorry." Jimin said sadly when Yoongi finally ended the call.

"About what?" He laughed, leaning back on the couch.

"You have to lie to everyone else but me. Your heart must be so heavy."

Yoongi smiled a little, pulling Jimin into his arms again. "It's a little lighter than it used to be before you came along."

His words made Jimin feel warm inside. He knew what was happening to him and he didn't want to stop it. For once he wasn't going to dance his feelings away, he was going to let them be, because he liked the feeling Yoongi's arms gave him. The scent and warmness of his body almost suffocating Jimin as he snuggled himself closer.

Yoongi had the same feelings. He was so close to losing it and just screaming how much Jimin affected him. But he didn't want to do that since he had to leave for a week soon, so he just held him close, immediately feeling warmer and at home than just seconds ago.

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