Harry (misscarage)

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"Harry" you yelled from the bathroom looking down at blood. You heard him run up the stairs of your apartment.

"Shit" was all he said before running out of the room to his phone. You heard him calling the ambulance and grabbing the last items for your bag.

You weren't due for another 3 weeks, but the twins had no room left and it was becoming more uncomfortable by the day. You thought to relieve the stress on your body by having a nice warm bath but before you could get in you felt something run down your leg.

"Y/N" Harry called from the bedroom.
"Can you stand?" He asked with concern as he walked into the bathroom placing the bag on the chair next to the shower.
"I can stand I think" you said pulling yourself up with the help of the bath. You stood up and more blood came out. You couldn't help but cry as you tried to stop the bleeding with the towel Harry gave you.

The ambulance arrived and loaded you in and did an ultrasound to see if they could still detect the heart beats. You laid there with your eyes closed holding Harry's hand tightly waiting for them to say anything.

Harry held your hand tighter as the paramedic said he couldn't find anything, and that it might just be because the ambulance was bumpy. You arrived at the hospital a short time after that.

Harry helped fill in your information while you sat on the bed in shock as you heard the doctors talking while a ringing noise became too loud and you couldn't hear anything.

Harry knelt down infront of you and tried to get your attention and you felt yourself coming back around.
"Y/N they need to do an examination okay baby, they need to see if our babies are okay, do you consent to that?" All you could do was nod your head yes.

You laid on the bed waiting to hear from the doctor who had done the exam. He came in and sat down, that was all that you needed to start crying.
"I've lost my babies haven't I?"
"I'm sorry y/n there was nothing we could have done to save them. We need to do an emergency c section to remove the babies, I know this is a tough time but we need to act fast."

You looked at Harry and his head was in his hands, you couldn't help but you couldn't help but feel like a failure. If you had never have ran that bath maybe they would still be alive, if you had of done something differently you would still have your family. Harry stood up and walked out of the room with his hands behind his head.

You watched as they took out the first baby, the oldest was a baby girl. You cried as they cut the umbilical chord and wrapped her up. She was so tiny and purple. They pulled the second baby out and huddled around him. He was pink, there was a glimmer of hope as you held your head up to see what was happening. You watched as they smacked the babies bottom to try and get a response. You heard the faintest cry and you tried to sit up but was pulled back down.

After you were stitched up they handed you your little boy. Harry came back just as they were handing your baby to you crying. He ran to your side and couldn't stop crying.

"It's a boy Harry"
"What about our other baby?" Harry said to a doctor.
The doctor brought her over and I watched the joy leave his face. He cradled her in his arms and sang to her.

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