Chapter 10:Still waiting.......

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Stitch POV

     Doggy and I enjoy chase car for while. But then high noise fill ears on doggy with me. We whimper fall to ground and screech pain. Then I realize I know where soundy thing come from. It Gantu ship! Looking to Doggy house, I see the ship land in yard out back. Stupid head is here......  

Doug POV

    Oh golly gee! My ears are still ringing from that high pitched wailing of the engine on the alien space craft! Boy did it hurt! Thankfully the noise is gone now! So me and Stitch have a friendly competition to race back home. (Well, to my home. My home is not the same as Stitch's I do not think.) Regardless, we reach home relatively fast. Stitch beats me to the door by a few feet. I am thinking this i not fair because I have only four legs to run on. Stitch has six! (See how unfair this is?) After nearly knocking over Master Fred and tripping Mike, we reach the backyard. I see what looks like a giant whale with legs. His outfit is most bizarre! It is like a skin tight spandex tracksuit.... Aliens are so weird!

    He is speaking with Lilo so I decide not to be rude and interrupt. Stitch says goodbye to me before rushing off to go intervene in the conversation between the giant walking whale and Lilo. I, on the other hand, trot off back to the street. Then I take off. There is a very nice family who lives just down the road. I'm sure they'll want to enjoy my company! (I know all the families on this street actually! Most of them make me the most scrumptious of treats!) Soon I arrive at the house.

    The house of this family is most cool! It's all white with a blue roof and doors. Then the windows are frosted. It always looks like an ice palace! Even when it is Summer! It is most cool! The door opens and Mistress Elsa stands there. She smiles at me, "Hello Doug!" Smiling I trot inside, "I have received my collar back! It is most pleasant to be able to speak my mind again!" Mistress Elsa chuckles, "Yes it is. I'll have Olaf get you some of my icy cookies treats." I nod my head happily and take a seat on the pale blue couch. This entire place actually was an ice palace! Can I entrust you to keep a most important secret?!....I suppose I shall! You seem trustworthy!

     Mistress Elsa has sorcery powers! She can control ice! It must be a very appreciated power whenever somebody needed ice for their drinks! Finally I see Olaf appear. Olaf is like a snowman. He is supposed to be top secret though so please do not be telling anyone of his existence! He sets the bowl of Elsa's ice cookies down in front of me and I chow down. He pats my head kindly, "So Doug. How's the Summer weather? As fun for you as it is for me?!" After finishing wolfing down the scrumptious-and free-cookies, I nod, "Yes, it is most very pleasant!" Olaf has always had this thing with Sumer.... I found it a bit odd because he is snow, and snow is supposed to hate the Summer. Right?Either way, Olaf is always pleasant and fun and happy! It is most nice and refreshing to be around happiness instead of gloom for once this week. Suddenly I get a grand idea as Mistress Elsa returns to the room. "Mistress Elsa Mistress Elsa!"She giggles, "Yes Doug?" I jump off the couch and wag my tail furriously fast "Boo is in trouble! We have help from aliens, and super heroes, and monsters but you could really help! Your ice powers would do most excellent! You could help us to rescue Boo!" Mistress Elsa looks skeptical but nods, "Okay Doug. I'll help... I need to make some preparations for when I'll be away helping you though. How about you come back when you need me?" I nod and take off fo the door. Before I exit, I turn back to her, "Come to my house as the clock turns to 8:30pm tomorrow! We'll be ready then!"

Mistress Elsa nods, "Sure thing Doug." I smile happily and nod before swiftly exiting.

    Trotting along the street, I get an excellent idea, "I shall get more allies to help us rescue Boo!" I mean, I know we have enough help already... But it's better safe than sorry right? Smiling like a doofus, I hurry along to the next house down. Jumping up on the door frame, I ring the doorbell with my little nose. This house is actually a sorority house. (That means a bunch of girls live here.) They are most fun and pleasant here. Each of them is fair in beauty and has always been kind to me! The door opens and I see Tiana. She is my favorite but please do not tell the others, lest they become jealous. Tiana is the best cook ever! I think that is why she now owns a resturant.... She smiles down at me. She is dressed in a beautiful green gown and a tiara shines atop her head, "Hey Doug! What are you doing here?" I smile up at her, "I need to speak with the headmistress!" She smiles and nods. Then she leads me up the stairs to the office of the headmistress: Mrs.Gahd Muthir. Tiana creaks the door open and I see the headmistress seated at her desk. Tiana pats my head before exitting and closing the door behind her. Mrs.Gahd Muthir smiles at me, "Yes Doug?" I smile at her, "I need your magical wand!" She frowns, "What for Doug? It has to be a good reason." before I respond she adds, "Wanting to conjure up food is not a good reason." Slightly laughing, I shake my head at her silliness, "Boo is in danger! I need to ensure she is safe and okay!"

Boo's teenage years (monsters inc/mash up fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now