Pledging Allegiance

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Tegan transformed in the air as he fell, shoving his claws deep into the side of the console. Sparks flew as they cut into it and slowed his fall considerably, but not enough to keep the pain from flashing up his legs when they made contact with the ground.

Stumbling, Tegan looked back up to where Megatron looked down at him, eyebrows raised before the holograph vanished, and the real Megatron approached him now, leaning down to pick him up and drop him unceremoniously back onto the console.

Weakened, Tegan sat up a little before getting to his feet, forcing his legs to carry his weight, trying to not fall over or stumble. He looked up at the three mechs, holding his abdomen and shoulder tightly as he waited for whatever was to come.

"He did pitifully." Starscream growled, of course the first to make a comment, and a negative one, which was also no surprise.

Soundwave turned his helm to glare at the other mech. "Human... Did better... Then Starscream..." He responded through several different voice recordings, causing the SIC to glare at him in disgust. "He's a fleshy... And He did terrible." He answered, turning away to look at Megatron, who was intently studying Tegan.

Tegan trembled as he stood on his own two feet, trying to ignore the pain and the fear coursing through his body as he attempted to breathe past the pain in his gut and listen to the conversation at the same time.

"I wouldn't be too sure, Starscream." Megatron eventually spoke, still studying the human with his red optics. Already, cruel and twisted plans were coursing through his processor... The boy could be of use. "He is intelligent... As he had shown by letting me hit him the one time... And then with where he hit me the second." He stated calmly, flames in his optics as he looked at him. "Tell me..." He looked at Soundwave now.

Seeing what his master wanted, the tall Decepticon quickly answered. "Designation... Orion Tegan Crodly." He told the large silver mech, who stiffened at the name, fire burning in his red optics like hot coals as he shook slightly with hatred and anger.

Tegan noticed and began to wonder if he would meet his doom on account of his first name, which was also the original of Optimus Prime, leader of the Autobots.

Silence fell and Starscream had what looked almost like a triumphant smirk on his face until Megatron spoke again. "His designation will be changed... At least for his Cybertronian mode." He stated, sending a comm. to his scientist, Shockwave. He looked at Tegan again, then over to Soundwave, who stood at his side silently. "The organic is yours to care for, Soundwave. You are to train him, and when Shockwave has prepared a suitable Cybertronian body for him, we will see of what use he may be."

Soundwave inclined his helm slightly towards his leader to show that he understood and would obey his orders to the very last syllable. He looked over at Tegan, his HUD picking up that he was tense, scared and unsettled, but he wouldn't address that here... Where others could either take advantage or make it worse. He looked at Starscream pointedly.

Megatron nodded once before looking at Tegan. "Tell me, youngling... Do you fear me?" He asked.

Tegan slowly lifted his head to look up at him, then down at his feet again before nodding.

"Answer your lord!" Starscream growled at him, taking a step towards the boy, glaring at him in hatred and disgust.

Carefully, Tegan looked up at Megatron, completely ignoring Starscream as he slowly and carefully thought of an answer. "Yes, my Lord." He stated calmly and quietly, but loud enough for them to hear. Saying the words scared him more than anything ever had. This huge... alien had just instated himself as his master! He was making another body for him! What was that all about? The thoughts rushed through his mind so fast he could barely dwell on them.

"Good." Megatron smirked, looking down at him. "Until we meet again..." He stated, smirking as he turned and left, his heavy pede steps slowly receding, the smaller, lighter steps of his SIC fading long before.

Relaxing now, Tegan looked up at Soundwave with large eyes. "S-Soundwave... Are they going to kill me?" He asked, fear and hopelessness leaking into his tone as the tall Communications Chief turned to face him.

"Lord Megatron pleased with Orion... Why would he kill him?" Soundwave questioned as he slowly picked Tegan up, turning and beginning to walk down the hall to wherever else he was going.

Tegan sat quietly for several moments, trying to think of how to best word his fears. "H-He said that I was getting a new body..." He answered, looking up at him. "But Soundwave... I-I want to be human. My Grandmother..." He felt tears in his eyes as he looked up at the large mech.

Silence reigned before Soundwave answered. "Cybertronian body for Orion..." He said slowly, looking down at him. "Is temporary. When Orion is needed for relic hunting... Or battles with Cybertronians, he will need a stronger and bigger body." He attempted to explain to the young boy. "Orion will be put into body for certain tasks, then taken out again... When there is no learning school in the summer, Orion will have to spend more time at warship in new body... To better serve Lord Megatron."

Tegan was quiet, trying to wrap his mind around what he had just been told. "So... I'll still be human, but wearing like a super hero suit?" He asked, looking up at the dark visor. "And I'll be able to take it off and go home?" He added.

There was a pause as Soundwave researched what a 'super hero suit' was, nodding slowly. "A little like a superhero suit." He answered slowly. "And yes, you will go home, but sometimes you will have to remain on Nemesis for several days." He added.

Relaxing slightly now, Tegan nodded. "OK."

As the TIC passed by a hall, a Decepticon stood frozen as he looked after the tall communications officer, spark beating harder and faster as he attempted to get over his shock as he looked at the small Techno Organic within Soundwave's servo... The image of a human femme flashed through his processor... 'He looks just like her...'

(A/N: Duh, duh duh! XD Well, hope you enjoy that little cliffie there, and you'll never guess who the Decepticon is! NEVER! Anyways... Who has some name ideas for Tegan's Cybertronian body? I've got a total block when it comes to those kinda things, so I was wondering... Any ideas?)

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