Just another day

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some nights i stay up, cashing in my bad luck

some nights i call it a draw

some nights i wish that my lips could build a castle

some nights i wish theyd just fall of

but i-

Macy clicked the snooze button on her iPod. Blinking blearily at the clock. 7:00 am. the numbers drifted in the empty expanse of her brain for a while before piecing themselves together. It was 7:00 am. There was something about that that rang an alarm bell, what was it? Was a necular war supposed to break out? No. That couldnt be it. Was her letter from hogwarts finally coming in? Nah, she wasnt that much of a wizard. Hmmmmm.... was she-


She was late. 'not nearly as exiting as any of those other things' she thought sourly. Yawning, she stretched out on her small bed, feeling her back pop satisfyingly. She closed her eyes, not wanting to leave her soft.... warm.... fluffy... ughhhh. Stupid school. 'aaand get up.' the small part of her brain that was at all rational coaxed. 'no' thought the part of her brain that Macy prefered. ' Come ONN' grumbled the rational part. 'i am not getting out of this bed' insisted the other part. 'ummmm....hey guys?' her bladder spoke up. All of Macys brain groaned. 'no.' said the sleepy part. 'you are NOT going to interfere. you always side with it!' in the realm of her thoughts, part 2 motioned towards part 1.

'sorry?' i just wanted to say. erm. im full'

'no your not.'

'ya. i kinda am'

'no. you really arnt'

'ignoring it isnt gonna solve the problem'

part 2 was silent for so long that Macy started to get up, assuming her bladder had won.

'yes it will'

she sighed and fell back on her mattress.

"well. im gonna go pee anyways." she whispered to everyone. It was met with mixed reactions.

She stumbled tiredly to the bathroom. making sure to brush her teeth and splash some water on her face in a failed attempt at waking up. Back in her room. she glanced longingly at her bed before grabbing the first t shirt she saw in her drawer (it was an attack on titan chibi shirt for all of you who care) and the same pair of super skinny jeans she wore every day. Running a brush through her tangled hair and slipping into a pair of mismatched socks, she ran downstairs and spun around the corner. The usual smile starting to appear on her face.

"Bye mom!" she threw on a jacket and her tardis blue backpack and rushed outside, taking a bite out of a granola bar she had found in her pocket. Buckling into her car she paused. "crap crap crap, where are my keys?!" She felt around desperatly, cursing under her breath. "You looking for these?" a voice called from their door. Macy looked up to see her mom smirking, her keys dangling from one of her fingers. she sighed with relief. "yes." she shouted, getting out of her car and running up to her mother, who handed her the item. "thanks." she smiled. pecking her mom on the cheek. The woman smirked. "no problem." Macy ran back to her car "See ya!" she said, before driving off to school.

7: 45 her clock said as she pulled into the school parking lot. 'your late' said the negative voice in her head. 'how the hell do you expect to become a functional adult if your always late?!' Macy sighed microscopicaly. "i dont know. i was planning on dealing with it when i got there." she mutterd 'WHEN YOU GOT THERE?!?!' the voice roared. It continued to scream while she walked inside, pasting a smile on her face.

She paused at the secretaries desk, peering down at a short woman with greying hair, the woman looked up at her with thinly veiled contempt "late again. Miss. Gracer?" she sneered. Macy considered saying something along the lines of "oh yes. i just cant seem to get far enough from these hallowed halls of torture. or your face." but opted for shrugging with a small smile, and mumbling " Sorry Darcy, i overslept." Darcy snorted, wrighting her a tardy pass. "Get to class." she growled. Macy took the slip of paper and covered her scowl with a smile, speed walking down the hall.

42-42-564. The locker swung open. She gathered up her supplies for what was left of 1st period, closing the door to reveal a boy. She snorted, "Isnt class still going on, Daren?" laughter borderd her words. He shrugged, a piece of black hair falling on his face. "I would ask the same to you." He smirked. " Come on Ren, you know im always late." She elbowed him playfully. They began to stroll down the hall.

" The secretaries must hate you. " he said with a sideways glance. "Nah, me and Darcy share many similar traits, we both like knitting, we both are involved in a school, were both going to hell.."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2014 ⏰

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