For Erin

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Why now? Why did he have to haunt her now?
Erin stared out the taxi window, bored. She'd been in the same spot, looking at the same boring M25 scenery for hours. Even the music pounding through her headphones couldn't silence the boredom any more.
She sighed, as the driver turned off into some of the back roads. There were approaching the final destination after what seemed like forever. She let her mind wander, hoping for some distraction from the endless roads, only to find her thoughts returned to one person: Jack.
When she was 4 years old, Erin had fallen from a tree at playgroup. None of the teachers had been around. In fact the only person that saw her fall was one of the other boys, the lonely one who also seemed to be in his own. He'd come and taken her inside again. She's not know him before that, but after that they were inseparable, her and Jack.
They'd spent every waking moment they could with each other. That was until they turned 13. For a few months they seemed to drift apart, then all of a sudden, he stopped talking to her. Just like that. No explanation. No replies. Nothing. To begin with she was so desolate, so upset about losing her friend. But that quickly faded, and she's no thought of him at all since. So why now? Why did he come back to haunt her thoughts now when she was ready to start a new life?
Suddenly, her attention was drawn back to the side of the road, by a couple of screams and a lot of laughter. Her eyes quickly fixed on a park in the middle of the road. There were four boys playing football and another apparently filming them on his phone. They were all laughing as they ran around.
"Here you are miss!" The driver interrupted her observations as they came to a halt. She smiled her thanks at him, oblivious to the football then heading in her direction. That was until it hit her in the stomach, knocking all the breath out of her.
All apologies, the boy with the camera came over to her to collect the football. Her picked up, still apologising and turned to leave, as she realised who it was.
"Jack?" She asked, a part of her happy to see him again, the other part in disbelief that it could actually be him. He turned back to her, his face flashing first confusion, then realisation as he too realised.
"Erin?" He asked.
It wasn't how she'd imagined them meeting again. Not like in a movie. On a beach, with the sun bearing down on them. They didn't run together, he didn't pull her into a hug in slow motion, in fact they were both cautious of each other. They didn't suddenly go back to the old days, where everything was okay.
It wasn't how she'd imagined it, but it was still amazing. He did pull her into a hug and they stayed like that for several minutes.
"I missed you Erin."
"I missed you too."

Hey guys, so this is for Clariny945. I hope you like it and that it's okay for what you wanted, I'm really sorry it's taken so long for me to write it.
Also, I'm thinking of starting a fanfic for the Hara, but I was wandering if any of you would read it or if you know anyone that would. Please comment and tell me because I don't want to write something no one will read.

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