Price Scanners

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Ok, I'm sorry, but where do I even start? These are one of the most annoying things possible to exist. Yes, they are helpful in some ways, but I highly despise these jerks. So just recently I'm in Jc Penny just buying some new shirts, cause why not?? I saw the shirts on clearance, so I said "Hm? Not a bad idea to check them out!" So I look furiously through the loosely hanging shirts trying to find my size (don't worry, I found my size in a few good shirts). At this point, looking at all of the suspicious variety of shirts there are at the clearance area, I say "Ok, this doesn't look promising. I'll check the price scanner so see if these shirts are really on clearance." So as I walk over to the hidden price scanners in Jc Penny (I can never find them I'm sorry), I'm very curious about this. I eventually arrive at the price scanner, after asking for help like five times, very questionable for a such a good deal. (So here we go) I try so get the barcode for the first shirt parallel with the scanner, and it doesn't work. I'm like "Ok deep breath, I can do this!" I try again, and nothing happened. As I'm trying to do this for about five minutes, people are looking weird at me, making looks like "Is she ok?" or "What exactly is she trying to accomplish?!" And the worse part, an employee comes to me. She politely says "Are you having some trouble ma'am?" In these situations, I'm not sure if it's me, I just make it ten times as awkward as it already is. This lady is looking at me assuming I don't know how to use a price scanner, in which I do of corse, but it can just get troublesome. I shakenly respond "O-oh, um.. uhhh no ma'am, I'm just fine. Just silly price scanners these days, haha!" The startled employee just gives me the blankest stare. And I'm thinking "Ooooh I'm sorry did I say SOMETHING WRONG?!" She just faked smiled responding "Oh, haha, yeah! I'll just let you carry on then." As the Jc Penny employee leaves, probably weirded out, I breathe in relief. "Ok Kristina, just casually put the barcode under the scanner, and everything will be ok!" as I think to myself. This is not ok. This is not working. Nothing is happening, I'm having a mental breakdown. This is getting on my nerves, so I try to scan another shirt. This time, no trouble at all. I'm just sitting here, fascinated, like a kid looking at the different tanks in an aquarium for the first time. I constantly scan the shirt, revealing the clearance price, over and over again. I continue to do the other shirts I picked out, but when that one shirt I had trouble with came up next, all I did was give it such a dirty glare. I'm thinking "Not you again! Seriosuly?!" I slowly put the barcode under the scanner... and presto! It works!! I whisper to myself "What is this scorcery?!" As I beam with anger and excitement (that it actually worked and when it took forever for me to scan it), I happily go to the checkout line. It was fairly short, so I was just fine. As I walk up to the next available person, he greats me with "So how is your day so far, ma'am?" I respond with "Great! How about you?" He just nods and smiles to me. As he scans the shirts, he says "Ok, you're total is $17.89" Hmm, that's not bad for 5 shirts on clearance, right? I pay him the money, and as he hands over the receipt, I say "Those price scanners are rigged, am I right? I try so hard and when it catches me off guard, it works!" The employee responds "Oh yeah, I know, right! I have trouble with them too!" I wish him a good day, and carry on with mine. As I walk out, I say "Damn those price scanners!"

Ok, I know what you're thinking. "Oh my gosh, price scanners, seriosuly?" I know, I know. It's pathetic. But they really do get on my nerves. I've been in this situation over a hundred times, and it pisses me off every single time...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2017 ⏰

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