Chapter 17.

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"I've got to go," I announced, standing up from the armchair that was placed in front of the roaring fire in the Gryffindor common room.

Hermione, who was sat on the floor reading some book she'd picked up at the library, lifted her head and furrowed her eyebrows at me, "Where?"

"Er... Ravenclaw common room, I'm meeting Luna," I lied.

Hermione looked at me skeptically, "It's almost 10? Why are you meeting her at this time?"

"Well... she wants to go over some things. About the... the Quibbler and yeah."

"The Quibbler?" Hermione scoffed, "why on earth-?"

"Sorry Hermione gotta go, I'll see you later," i cut her off, making my way towards the portrait hole.

"Bye... then," I heard her mumble from behind me.

I sighed to myself, i need to get better at excuses. I could tell she didn't believe me in the slightest.

The question that still remained, was why did Draco ask to see me? That was all i had been thinking about for the rest of the day, but i just couldn't find a valid answer.

I walked towards the Astronomy Tower and began making my way up the countless flights of stairs, each footstep echoing up the stone walls and reaching the top. I found myself rapidly running out of breath with every step but continued nevertheless.

Stopping just before i reached the top, i peered over the floorboard to see if i could notice Draco anywhere, but there was no sign of him at all. Pushing myself up the last few stairs, i took another glance. still nothing. was this a joke? 

i took a few steps backwards and leant against the cold wall, panting heavily as i tried to get my breath back. I turned and looked out of the tower, the sun just going down behind a hill in the distance, creating the perfect glow of orange and gold which made the sky more magical than usual. there wasn't a single cloud to be seen, not even on the precipice of the horizon. i had taught myself to always be grateful for times like this after i went 3 years without perfect blue skies when Voldemort was back once more. the silhouettes of birds fluttered in front of the golden sky, they were the only darkness.

Then suddenly, a palm came into contact with my mouth, almost cutting off my breathing. I flailed my arms backwards, trying to turn around to see who was currently suffocating me. As i did, i noticed ever-so-familiar blonde hair before my mouth was covered by something completely different.

A pair of lips came into contact with my own. I froze, unable to comprehend with what was happening. I didn't move, not having the strength to push him away. Draco didn't move once his lips were connected to mine, he just stayed still, breathing heavily against my face. My eyes widened before i came to realisation of what was happening.

I pushed Draco's chest, disconnecting our lips. I stared at him, bewildered, as he looked down at the floor in silence.

"What the hell?" I said finally, cutting the silence.

Draco didn't reply, he just continued to stare at the floor beneath him, his breathing still erratic.

"Draco, you just kissed me," I said.

Before I could say anymore, Draco was running. Running down the winding staircases at top speed, leaving me alone at the top, pondering over what has just happened.

A/N short chapter. oops.

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