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- Serena -

It's been two days since I saw the image of my brother in the next town. I can't shake it off.

Though it sounds stupid, but his light blonde hair is the one thing I always recognise him by.

That and his tall built.

Ben went crazy when I dashed out on the road like that, he literally shook me and I didn't realise how scared he was when he saw me like that.

But my brother, ever since the skiing accident, no one could find him. I never got the chance to say goodbye.

"Serena," Roxy placed a hand on my shoulder and I looked at her, snapping out of my daydream.


"Thinking about your brother again?"

I nodded, my thoughts drifting again.

"It's been three years Serena, if your brother was alive he should have found you by now. Or at the very least contacted your parents about it, right?"

I shook my head, "I moved halfway through the country Roxy, plus my parents have gone MIA somewhere in Asia. He couldn't find us even if he wanted to."

"So you think that man you saw is your brother?"

I sighed, "I don't know Roxy, it's been so long. I miss him so much. I don't want to give myself false hope but I can't shake that image of him away."

"If you really want to check it out then maybe you can ask Ben to follow you down. I mean, he was from that town anyway."

"Austin and Ben got kicked out of that place remember? What the hell did they do that a whole town will throw them out?" I wondered out loud and Roxanne sighed dreamily.

"Must've been something really manly of course."

I smacked her hand, "You're a lost cause Roxy."

She giggled and the door to the cafe opened, Ben strode in, his toned muscular body in it's full glory.

I realised it's been two days since I spoke to him, I was too distracted with thoughts of my brother to think about Ben.

Roxanne skipped over to Ben, "Since you're here, I'll pop by to see Austin. Take care of little Serena for me."

I glared at her and she danced across the street.

Ben came over to me, his beautiful eyes gazing down at me, "How have you been?"

"I'm fine. Ben I want to apologise for that day, I kinda freaked out really bad. I'm sorry if I inconvenienced you in any way."

His eyes were dark and serious, it was creepy, "You dashed across a busy street Serena, if I didn't pull you back God knows what would've happened to you."

He wasn't scolding me, but it felt like it. Each word was laced with worry and I couldn't help but feel guilty.

"I'm really sorry Ben."

He reached out and placed his hand against my cheek, "You drive me crazy with worry Serena. Every second I worry something will happen to you."

"I can protect myself-"

"I know but recently I feel like I need to be there. Trust me I know damn well you can protect yourself. The way you punched those guys at the bar, I've never seen a girl hit someone that hard before. But when other situations arise like a few days ago, when you're totally out of it, I worry for you."

His warm hand was coaxing me and honestly I will agree to anything he said right now.

"Thank you for watching out for me then," I smiled at him and he finally breathed out a sigh of relief, releasing my face from his hand.

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