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The demons inside my mind told me to be silent; not to speak.

Demons told me that no one cared to hear about the thoughts I had that made me painfully weak.

Demons in my brain blamed me for lots of things and I believed them, because who else could it be?

I pleaded, silently of course, for help, but no one could see the suffering buried deep inside of me.

"You are weak," They would chant.

"You have no reason to feel these things. You just can't."

Those demons said that others deserved healing and that I shouldn't stay,

That I took from those who had a right and I was simply in the way.

They erased my future, so I could not see one, and instead hung my past right before my eyes.

I hated nothing more than the demons in my mind and decided it was best to write my goodbyes.

I didn't want to leave, but the demons that stood by made me fearful of my life, they did not want me to stay.

But one night, they left, for just a little awhile, they were chased out, they were scared away.

I didn't know why, but now I do... I got on my knees and I prayed to The One who fought all the demons in my feeble little head.

I felt peace, I felt love, I felt comfort. My past was wiped clean and my future restored because He fought my demons, that's why He bled.

He took me in His arms and erased all my scars, mended up my broken heart and replaced my weakness with His strength.

"You are worthy, My child. You are loved and redeemed. It's okay to feel broken. I will walk right beside you, I will be your defense.

Those demons can't hurt you. You're stronger than them. They hate to be defeated, they know you can win.

You're building My Kingdom, I gave you a purpose.

I know life is dark, but trust Me I Know. I will help you, just let Me. Look at Matthew's verses."

[Come to Me, all who are weary and heavily burdened and I will give you rest.]

Those demons were wrong... When you're tired and burdened and you've fallen down a steep pit...

I tell you... just learn how to rest, not how to quit.

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