The Real Ugly Duckling

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So once upon the time, I had a son Ugly Victor Duckling Ⅲ. His name Ugly came from his father's side, not mine. The name Victor came from my side of the family. So anyway, he was born in a pond that was his father's choice and he was born brown instead of yellow.

My children are all beautiful, but he just did not come out right. I blame it on his father's side of the family. So all his life, he went around looking for compliments to bring up his feeble self-confidence. He never had any friends because he was so snobby and rude so he and i fought a lot.

One day, we got into a huge fight and i was a good mother and told him the truth. He cried and ran away up north for the winter, which wasn't very smart because it's cold up there in the winter. As you can see, he was just as bright as he was handsome.

A family found him and took care of him because he was sick but when he came back to himself, he was just as snobby. So he ran some squirrels out of their home in a tree and stayed there until it was spring.

Spring came and he went out to the pond. He looked into his reflection and said,"Man, I am fine!" Apparently, he was a swan and not a duck like we thought. He thought he was the most beautiful swan and other swans would come flocking to his beauty. So, when all of the other swans came out to the pond, he would try to be cool.

One day, he saw the prettiest swan in all the pond named Jessica. He thought he could impress her so he swam over to her awkwardly. "Would you like to be my very lucky lady, beautiful?" he asked. She looked at him with disgust on her face,"Umm... Who are you and why are you talking to me, fish face?" He looked at her with sadness and swam away crying. She didn't care and still doesn't. I should know, she sued me; I blame Ugly's father for the obnoxiousness.

So that's the true story of Ugly Duckling... He's not as cute and sweet as he seemed. Jessica just made up that story to protect her popular reputation. Ugly Victor Duckling is really just a rude, boisterous swan that just needs to be taught a lesson. Maybe one of those fairy tales parents tell to their kids could help fix up my loser of a son.

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