Chapter One: Bad Luck

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[Your POV]:
It was a rainy day, and you were not in the best of moods. Today, you were just fired from your job at the local bakery, a place where you considered a second home. You remembered the customers and their orders, as you were around for a long time. However, the shop switched owners.

He was cruel to his employees. You started to despise him, finding your once safe haven a miserable place to work. Customers were driven off because of your short temper, as that was how you expressed your rage. You didn't care anymore. As you finally completed the last order for the day, he called you into his office and told you the news.

"You're fired."

Those words echoed in your head as you leader the streets. Umbrella in hand, you adjusted your raincoat. You didn't pay any attention to the people around you or where you were walking, too busy in your own thoughts. Time passed and you looked up, not anywhere near your apartment.

"Damnit." You cursed as you studied the new area. "I haven't been to this part of town before."

Tall grey buildings, perfectly aligned, guarded the streets. An old factory lay abandoned, slowly weathering away. A chill ran up your spine as you felt the energy in the air change. However, you kept walking.

You were almost immersed into your mind again, until you heard an ear piercing scream. One of a male, to be exact. Your heart beat fast as you ran to the direction of the sound.

"Hello? Are you ok?" Your search landed you by an alleyway, where you see a man sitting by a wall. He stares at the building across from him, not moving. You approach closer, holding your umbrella in a defensive position.

Suddenly, a figure clothed in black jumped out behind the nearby garbage disposal, knife in hand. They tried to strike you, but then heard the sound of sirens in the distance. They wall jumped out of the alleyway, landing on the roof, and swiftly ran away. You finally made a noise.

"Oh my God. That- person!" Heart beating wildly, you walked over to the man slumped against the wall.

"Sir? Are you alright?" You then realized that something was very wrong.

The man's eyes were open, his face etched into an expression of pain. He's bleeding, a stab wound to the heart. You scream as the sirens are nearby.

"Someone! Help!" You leaned over the body, shaking his shoulder to try and wake him up.
"It's just a's just a dream!"

You finally recognized the man as your boss as thudding footsteps were heard behind you.

"Put your hands up where we can see 'em, missy!"

You turned around to see a detective and some policemen behind you. Doing as you're told, you slowly raise up your hands, terrified of this whole situation.

'They thought I did it, didn't they?'

The detective stepped forward with handcuffs showing.

"You're under arrest!" He held your wrists together and cuffed you. "For murder."

(So, this is my first fan fiction ever, and I decided to include my favorite attorneys in here! Being recently obsessed with Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney, I wanted to make a story about them. This scenario immediately popped into my head and I wrote it as fast as I could.
I hope you all enjoy! The next chapter will be introducing Phoenix and Miles, so stay tuned!)

Courtroom Romance | Phoenix Wright x Reader x Miles EdgeworthWhere stories live. Discover now