Chapter 13

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"Shawn," I narrowed my eyes at the man my pupils forming into slits.

"Y/n, how are-" I cut him off with, "Get the fuck away from my house."

Shawn abruptly closed his mouth and chuckled. He raised his hands in defense and said, "Just came by to say hello. No harm done."

"Yeah, you came by to say hello and fuck up my girlfriend again? How about I do something like that myself but with you," I shoved him where he stumbled down the steps that led up to my doorstep. It was hard maintaining my anger towards him.

Shawn steadied himself and raised a daring brow. "I've already had my share of that," he snickered with an evil smirk that made my nerves explode.

I glanced back at Camila who stared at my backside terrified of the possibilities of this situation. I nodded my head in the direction of the stairs and she perked up a half smile and ran up the stairs. I turned back towards the brown haired boy and took threatening steps towards him while he took them back. We finally stopped in the middle of my lawn.

"What the hell did you do to her?" I growled balling my hands into white-knuckled fists.

"Oh right, the police never found out nor the doctors," Shawn revealed his teeth under a smile.

Shawn took a few steps forward his face inches from mine. "How about this," he paused taking a step back. "I tell you what happened to Camila and you'll give me something I want?" He proposed.

When I didn't reply he asked, "Deal or no deal?

My balled fist swung out catching his jaw making him stumble a bit. A trail of blood fled from his lip and he wiped the blood away with one swipe of his wrist. He showed off that annoying little grin of his and said, "I'll take that as a maybe." Before spinning on his heel to leave. Right before he got inside his car, he shouted, "You know where to meet me." He gave off a toxic wink before driving off.

I could feel a migraine coming on. I just needed me some Camila at the moment. Rushing into the house, I headed up the stairs and into the room where I told Camila to go into. I popped into the room seeing Camila hiding under the blankets but you could see her eyes peeking out. Camila removed the blankets from her head and smiled. I crawled onto the bed greeting her with a hug. When we broke away from eachother, Camila sat on her heels and asked, "What happened?"

She clutched my hand in hers concern evident on her face. Her thumb brushed over my knuckles making me flinch from the searing pain pulsing through my knuckles. "You okay, babe?" Her eyes were focused on the bruised knuckles.

I shrugged watching at her examine my hand. It was nice to know how much she cared about me. She vividly showed she cared and I loved her for that. "I punched him. He has a strong face or something," I chuckled causing Camila to laugh and lightly nudge my shoulder.

"Is that it?" She stood up from the bed and into the bathroom grabbing a wash cloth and wetting it with cold water.

"He said he'd tell me what happened to you if I gave him something he wanted," I replied thanking her once she came back over and softly dabbed the cloth on my knuckles.

Camila scoffed and stopped tending my hand to look at me. "We already know what happened. He did something to make me lose my memory."

"Plus, he said I know where to meet him. I don't know where to meet him. Camila, I know that but I want know if he drugged you or something." I confessed.

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