Chapter 2

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Chapter 2: Stabbed

"What!?" you said, turning behind.You swore you saw London's 2P Counterpart standing beside 2P England, both their faces covered with a smirk.London's 2P counterpart has dark, blonde hair with her right eye red while the other yellow.Her hair was long, she wore a dress which was blue.When you blinked, they suddenly disappeared.

"_________?" London shook your terrified form.

"Y-Ye..ah..." you answered.

Gakuen Hetalia-Main Building

The buiding was under construction.Poles were everywhere.

Out of really nowhere, you heard a screeching Brit and American.

"LONDON!!" England yelled as he saw his daughter stabbed through a pole that fell over.

"Sh-She s-saved E-England-s-san...." Japan muttered shocked, seeing his best friend lying on the floor.

"London..!?" Russia stared at the dead girl lying infront of him.Judging from his expression, he looked as if he was about to cry and kill the worker in-charge for this.

"I-I l-lost an A-Ally...Wh-Which was like a f-family to me..." America choked.


Hello, guys.

Just know, its currently heat haze and well, it has been affecting some of the guys, including me.

So, I'm taking care of all of you until the heat haze is

and the rest of the letter is  covered in blood.

"London is...smiling...guys.." Romano pointed out.

★Gakuen Hetalia, dorms★

You woke up, screaming.

"_-______!" London crashed into the room, rushing to you.

"Lo-London...?Y-You're still alive...?" you looked up.

"What are you talking about?Of course I'm alive!" London cheered.You silently sobbed into London's chest while she pats your head continuosly, like how England would calm anyone down.

◆English Classes, 7:23 a.m◇

As usual, you, London and Japan were the first to arrive to England's class.England was already there, writing down notes on the chalkboard.With that, London took down the notes and subtitled it so she can understand better.

"Rondon(London)-san, what does this mean?" Japan asked London who finished writing down the notes.

"Oh..This is like..." London started explaining.You started writing down notes for America and Norway, who sits beside you.

"No!Its like this Japan!" London scolded Japan, taking his hand and holding it so he can write well.She seems to be teaching him how to write cursiveley, like how England does...all...the time..You cant really understand it.

Class finally started, and so far America already fell asleep.His glasses were slanted so you went ahead and tried to wake him up.

"Ameri!Hey, AMERICA!" you whisper-shouted at America.

"Have a nice nap, Al?" asked a smirking London.

"OW!" America screamed in pain.

"Mr. Jones, I guess you had a good dream!?" England scolded.

Timeskip, to Morning Break

"Guys!I cooked this time!" a grumpy italian said.

"Thanks, you tomato-idiota," you thanked him, now its his turn to blush madly.

"EEEPLOVINOSCURLISINAHEARTSHAPE!!!"London squealed...but a while after..she dropped her tray and ran to Russia.

"BELARUS!!" you shouted as Belarus froze at her spot, seeing Russia..

This is just like what happened to London..! you mentally screamed.

"Norge!England!Romania!" London shouted.

"Yeah?" they all said in unison.


The Magic Trio(inclusive of London) said that they saw 'blood dyed clocks' in their nightmare in the past.

"Blood dyed...clocks..." you muttered.

For all we know...______ is having a nightmare..

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