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After hearing the horrific news that my sister will be meeting a prince, I of course had to fill Claudia in after finishing my tea with mother. I had summoned her to my chamber so we could speak in private, and she was just as surprised as I was.

"I can't believe she would do that." She says after letting out a small gasp. "Especially your sister, as well. She's taking full advantage of this."

I can only pace back and forth my room to try to calm myself down, but after hearing this news? What can I do? My mother mentions nothing about a possible prince for myself, or even the desire to set me up with one. At this point, the only thing I can do is hope and pray that this prince has a brother!

"Should you take matters into your own hands? Should you meet princes on your own?" I hear Claudia ask. I could definitely do that, but I would be putting myself in danger. No one can trust another royal family, its common sense.

I stop pacing and take a seat next to Claudia on my bed. "I don't even know. I'm supposed to be meeting a prince, I'm supposed to be next in line, not my sister! I have no idea how to take care of this, Claudia!"

Before Claudia can answer, theres a knock at the door, before it suddenly bursts open to reveal my younger sister prancing inside my chamber, wearing a pale pink silk gown that was made just for her. Her hair is beautifully braided, something so complicated that I could never do myself. She has a smirk across her lips, which indicates she was eavesdropping on my rant to Claudia.

"Someone's a little jealous, hm?" She says, her smirk only growing. Claudia stands up and bows her head for respect. I stand up from the bed as well.

"Not jealous, more... upset." I respond, trying to keep calm. Saying the wrong thing can always get you in trouble, especially here in Irisian court. "I just feel like I haven't been given a fair chance, that's all."

Claudia stands beside me, keeping her head high. "What were you doing eavesdropping, anyways? Don't you think that's a little rude?" We watch as Nicolette rolls her eyes. Sometimes she can be so overdramatic and insensitive to other people, which adds to the growing list of reasons why she shouldn't be queen. But I have to hand it to her, she's better at making deals and getting what she wants, a quality she gets from my mother.

"I initially came by to tell you two that we will be doing a dance at the party, and that we have practice this evening in the ballroom. But I couldn't help but overhear your worries about everything. It's quite entertaining, if you ask me." She giggles, but its more of an evil laughter. She obviously knows what she's doing, and that it's affecting my chance of being queen, and she probably won't back down any time soon.

"Anyways, the dance practice will take place after dinner." Nicolette flashes us a fake smile before turning back around and walking to the door. I can't let her take everything away from me, and let her win. It's not her time yet.

"Why are you doing this, Nicolette? You know this throne means everything to me." I call out just as she is about to slip out the door. She turns to face us, with another smirk across her sinister lips. Why is she being like this towards me?

"I'm charming, demanding, and strong-willed, all of which you lack." She laughs, and disappears behind the door, leaving me and Claudia to worry about the future. I should have seen this coming, I should have known she would try to take my place. Royal families aren't perfect; theres always going to be tension between siblings who want the throne, and of course they're going to have to fight for it. Okay, only princes fight for the throne, but for princesses, the first to wed is guaranteed queen.

"You're going to need a miracle to happen at that party, Eve." Claudia softly speaks, with worry laced in her voice. I only sigh for a response, because she's right. If Nicolette and Prince Alexander get along and everything goes well, then they'll be married before we all know it and she'll be crowned queen.

But I will make sure that doesn't happen.


For some reason I forgot about this story so I'm bringing it back! Just a little update, when I first published this, I dedicated it to my girlfriend. But as of right now, we are no longer together so this will not be dedicated to her anymore. I have a weird update schedule, I usually just update when I feel like it but hopefully they'll be constant since I have good ideas for this! Anyways, thanks for the views and the votes, I didn't realize it blew up until I found this account again. x


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2017 ⏰

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