Gone too soon.

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She swolled the lump in her throat. She was in pain. She was in pain from heartbreak. Ever since Wally- ceasing, to exist... She felt heartbroken. She has throbbing headaches, her throat always hurt, and she feels so empty and lonely. She loves him.

She doesn't think anyone knows how much he means to her; he was, is, her best friend. She has been crying for days. Nothing has cheered her up. She hasn't eaten, either. She hasn't left her house. Even Robin, Nightwing now, came to grieve with Y/N over Wally's death. Robin and Y/N were Wally's best friends. He would give up anything for them.

He watches her clutch a picture frame; her white knuckles wrapped tightly around the wooden frame. She shivers, although she is wrapped in a blanket with the heat turned up. He hears her quivering, sees her shaking, holding the frame as if it was the most important thing to her.

He feels sad, watching her. He knows how empty she feels, how much she misses him. He watches as a tear falls from her cheek, and lands on the picture. She smears her tears accross her face, and she takes a deep breath while looking at the picture.

He notices how she cannot see him. He watches as she stares at the photo, of him. Wally West. Seeing himself in the picture confuses him. His green eyes wander to the other figure in the picture; who's hands are wrapped around his waist. He watches the girl with sorrow, and she looks right at him. 'Where are you, Wally West?' She thinks.

'She's-she's looking at me...' Wally thinks. He stares at her, and her attention is focused to the frame again. "I love you, Wally West. No matter what you do, or where you are, I love you. Always know that." He touched her shoulder, only to have his hand slide right through it. 'Wha-What's going on?' he thinks. 'Y/N?' He says, looking at you. She feels his presence, but doubts that he is there. The girl starts crying again. 'Y/N, it-it's you're alright. I love you. I'm- Why are you crying? It's making me sad to see you cry. I'm right beside you. Don't you see me?'

Y/N gets up and walks to a white dresser in the middle of the room. She pulls open a drawer to a million t-shirts. She rummaged through the drawer, and pulls out a t-shirt. She lifts it to her face, and inhaled deeply. "It still smells like you..." She says. She lift it to her face again, and this time starts crying. "I never got to say goodbye. I love you, Wally. I always will. I miss you." She says out loud. Wally looks at her face; Her lips are quivering, and he wants so badly to kiss her. Tears stream down her face, and her eyes are red and glassy. 'You're beautiful.' He says to Y/N. She looks up at him again, still oblivious that he is there, comforting her. She smiles, though, knowing that her lover, Wally West, the famous Kid Flash, her speedster, is now an angel. No doubt about it. "I love you, Wally. With all my heart and more."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2014 ⏰

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