The Plan vs The Guild

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Lucy woke up and found herself somewhere new. "Natsu?" She said. "Yes?" She looked up and saw him looking out the window. "Where are we?" She asked getting up. "It's a little cottage I found." He said then turning to look at her. "I've got to do something. You stay here." He demanded and Lucy was too afraid to disobey. He left the room and went to the library. "Maybe I can do the plan without turning her into a demon." He mumbled to himself. He then imagined her as a demon.


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"No. I can't. Lets see." He said looking through books on his shelf. He then found a book. He looked through it and found the spell that he was going to use. "There is a way to do this without turning the human into a demon. They need to love and trust you so much that they will be willing to 'do the deed' and complete the spell. Although the human body will not be able to hold a demon for long. As a human is weaker then a demon the demon will take their magic power until they have none left. If and when that happens the human will die giving birth to the demon." He read out. He shook his head. "That can't be..." he fell to his knees looking at the book. "Luce..." one of his eyes turned white and then back to the normal onyx eyes he once had as a tear fell down his cheek from that eye. END realised this and stopped him. 'You're not gonna get control no matter how much.' Thought the demon. He opened the book and carried on reading. "However there is a way to keep the human alive. And that is to give it some of your own magic. I'm afraid that's all I know on the subject. Please be careful." He thought for a minute but he was cut off by an explosion. He ran back to Lucy's room but she wasn't there and the wall was destroyed. He let out a fierce growl as they had taken what was his. He jumped out of the room and to the floor and saw Fairy Tail. They had a hold on Lucy to keep her safe but Lucy looked confused. "Guys what are you doing?" She asked. "Saving you." Gray said. "And then kicking Pinkie's butt." When he said this Natsu let out a growl. He launched an attack at the guild and got a direct hit but for Lucy, his attack didn't hurt her. She then felt herself being pulled away. She looked up and saw Natsu. He pulled her back inside the house. He hid in a closet and looked to her. "Lucy, do you trust me?" He asked. Lucy nodded. "Do you love me?" He asked. She blushed like crazy but nodded slowly. She was then pulled in to a kiss. But it was interrupted when Gajeel pulled him away. "Lets go Bunny Girl." He said dropping the demon and picking up Lucy and throwing her over his shoulder. She struggled a bit. She was put back with Fairy Tail until the ground gave way under her. Just like how Virgo could do it Lucy appeared further away and in Natsu's arms, completely dizzy. He ran off again. He hid somewhere else and began kissing her. She calmed down and was about to kiss back when a sword came crashing above them causing them to break apart. He growled, picked her up bridal style and jumped away. He landed in a tree nearby and kissed her again. He pulled away. "What's going on?" Lucy asked. "Don't worry. The important thing is that I will never let you go." He said holding her close. This caused her to blush. He then kissed her again and she kissed back. He began sliding his hand down her body-

They were knocked off the branch by ice destroying the branch they were perched on. Gray caught Lucy before Natsu and ran off. Natsu followed. Gray got back to the guild but immediately Luvy disappeared in a cloud of smoke and reappeared next to Natsu. She began to get sick and dizzy of being taken everywhere. She knew one more thing would make her faint. "She's mine." Natsu growled. He ran off with her while the others chased him. They all ran past him. Except one. He began kissing her again which help clam et and her dizziness down. Suddenly a giant gust of wind separated them and sent them flying. Elfman caught Lucy and screamed, "YOU'RE NOT A MAN!" At Natsu. Natsu pulled her out of his grasp but she was picked up from Gajeel and ran off. Lucy felt like she was about to be sick. Gajeel then got hit by an attack of Natsu's and he took Lucy. Natsu stopped when he saw that she was green but also pale which meant she was sick and about to puke or faint. He carried her into the house again and put her on a bed. The wall smashed and Gray grabbed Lucy and jumped out. Natsu growled (HOW MANY TIMES DOES ONE NEED TO GROWL?!) Natsu chased after him and pulled Lucy back. Gajeel then came out of no where and took Lucy. He arrived back with the guild but Natsu appeared as well. He grabbed Lucy but Gray struck him and Erza pulled her back. Natsu hit Gray away and then Erza. He was about to pick Lucy up when she collapsed into his arms. He picked her up and ran away and to make sure they didn't follow, he made the ground beneath them crumble and they all fell into a 10ft crater.

Sorry for not updating. This was all I could think of to post at the time. Gomen.

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