Chapter 2 || You hate me?

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The next day came, I ran to school.
Momo: "Hey bestie!"
I looked her in the eyes. Don't fucking 'bestie' me.
You: "Heyy" I faked a smile. Well, in the end.. fake friends are better then none.
Momo: "Sooo, I was thinking- we should have a sleepover!"
You: "Yes! That's a good idea!"
Momo: "Okay, be at my house at 7!" She ran off.

I over heard Jungkook talking about me.
Jungkook: "I only met her once, but I already hate her.. she looks like such a slut.. I bet she's slept with the whole school!"
I could tell he hated me from the minute he saw me, but he hasn't met me.. he doesn't know me.. He doesn't know what I'm going through.. he hasn't met the real me.. no one has met the real me..
I walked around the corner from where he was talking.
You: "Excuse me?!"
He was shocked that I was there, listening.
Jungkook: "That's right you're a slut!" He yelled in my face.

I know no one is reading this, but to those couple who are; I'm going to put this FanFic on YouTube, so if you'd rather watch it, then look up xXWhatevrFicsXx
(Sorry this episode was short :/)
P.s: To those few people who are watching it, I'm only doing this for fun.. so don't make fun of my bad storyline and writing😳😓❤️
Bye-bye, hope you enjoyed.. stay tuned for the next Ep!


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