[I.M] Jealousy

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You were on the sofa watching some dramas in the television when your phone rang, indicating that someone is calling.

A sigh left your mouth knowing that your best friend, Kim Doyoung, is the one bothering you in weekends. That guy is always good at bothering you, he never get tired of it.

"What?" You asked irritated which earned a chuckle from him.

"Well, hello to you too." You rolled you r eyes because of his sarcastic tone.

"What do you want?" You asked lazily, leaning on the sofa and bore your eyes on the television.

"Come here this instant. Your boyfriend's waiting." He said and hang up the phone, you look at the phone with your brows furrowed. You don't have a boyfriend, and that's definitely not DoYoung. DoYoung is an idol so he's forbidden to have a girlfriend for a mean time and even if he's not forbidden there's no way you will be in a relationship with him since he's your bestfriend.

You shook your head so you will not be bothered by the boyfriend thing ly anymore and just change your clothes to a comfy one. You didn't bother to put on brassiere and make up since it's just two blocks away.

After a couple of minutes you're already in front of Doyoung's house and you can clearly see the guy that always made your heart race. You quickly call DoYoung and he picked up grinning.

"The fuck dude! You didn't tell me he's there!"

"I did. I told you, your boyfriend's here." He said and hang up the phone. You nervously hold the knob and twisted it creating a creak sound as you open it. There are two pair eyes that's staring at you as you push the door close.

Darn! I should've worn better clothes and did a simple make up.

A sigh left your mouth and turn around. You can see Doyoung's judging eyes as he eye you from head to toe while Changkyun only looked at you for a second and retrieve his eyes.

Cool! Minus 1 for you, [Y/N]

You glared at DoYoung and walked towards him, you sat beside him and pinch at his side making him flinch.


"I hate you." You whispered making him chuckled.

Changkyun looked at the both of you looking so sweet in front of him. He felt something like someone is hammering his heart, he likes you the moment he laid his eyes on you, that is why he befriended Doyoung, so he can get closer to you.

But it seems like he's too late to get closer to you anymore. You look like you're in love with Doyoung when the truth is, you're torturing his side, as you shower it with pinches.

"I swear, I will kill you after this Doyoung." You threatened.

"Changkyun-ssi, I should get going. I forgot I have plans today." Doyoung said standing up, you glared at him, he looks at you and winks before rushing up to his bedroom. After a few minutes, he's back but is wearing nice clothes.

"You guys should go to [Y/N]'s house, it's just 2 blocks away. Have a good afternoon!" He rushed towards the door but stop when he's already in front of it. "Oh! [Y/N]! Lock the door when you leave." He said and left

Both of us looked at each other, both awkward with each other.

"Uhh. Let's go?" I asked breaking the silence. He smiled and nodded.

"Kaja." He said, both of us just walked towards my house. It was awkward, we will only talk if there's question in our head and after an answer it is silence again.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2018 ⏰

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