. : part two : .

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Johnny pov
"Two vanilla bean frappes," Mark said, handing me two cups with the name "Lisa" scribbled on them.

There he goes again, always so focused. Most of the time he wouldn't even stop for a "hey, or a "how's it going." And no matter how many times I'd offer to help him he'd resist and insist that he do it himself.

I honestly couldn't figure out whether it was his ambition or his winsome that attracted me more.

As I began blending the drinks I turned around to see him stuffing a lemon loaf into a paper bag and folding the flap over the front.

Mark then rushed to the counter and set the bag down. "Lemon loaf for Lisa."

A blonde woman with bangs quickly took the bag before sitting back down.

I blended the two drinks and set them on the counter. "Two vanilla bean frappes," I announced, realizing that she'd been the only customer in the store at the moment.

She quickly rushed to the counter grabbing both of the cups in her hands almost spilling one of them before running through the door.

Out of the corner of my eye I noticed Mark pointlessly reorganizing a stack of cups near the register as if there was something of significance on his mind.

Concerned, I went and stood next to him after wiping down the counter.

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