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Ariana studied the figure at the other end of the veranda, from his dark pants tucked into knee-high boots, to his billowing black shirt, to the silken mask that covered half his face and tied at the back of his head. His features were concealed, but Ariana knew the line of his jaw, the tilt of his head. And yet she hesitated.

Was Justin the villain everyone believed him to be or the boy she'd fallen in love with? She took a step forward, her breath misting the air, as images layered one over the other in her mind: Justin climbing the house to save her brother, his sweet voice as he talked her down from her panic attack, his unguarded plea for forgiveness after his accident, and finally, his tortured gaze as he told her what had happened that day at the falls. Warmth flooded her soul, and before she knew it, she was halfway across the balcony.

Impatient as always, Justin straightened and closed the distance between them in three strides. As he neared, Ariana saw the sword swinging at his hip and her earlier chill melted into delicious tingles. The summer she'd turned twelve, they'd watched The Princess Bride so many times they could quote every line. Her eyes moved to his face. Stubble covered his jaw and upper lip, and his hair hooked behind both of his ears. The black of the mask contrasted with the gold specks in his eyes, making them appear to glow. Was he trying to make her swoon?

He stopped and crossed his arms in front of his chest, a smile hovering around his lips. The costume was perfect—the villain who's really a hero in disguise. But even better, she knew he'd worn it for her.

Ariana arched a brow. "The Dread Pirate Roberts?"

"I saw no reason to change my costume just because Princess Buttercup canceled our date."

Her chest gave a squeeze. "Touché."

Justin stepped closer and raised a finger to trace the crystals near her temples. "You're beautiful." His eyes held hers. "But you always are."

"Jay . . ." Ariana's gaze flickered to his mouth, and she wished, despite everything, that he would kiss her—kiss her until she didn't care that he was leaving, until she forgot that her heart was breaking. She bit her lip to stop the plea from slipping out. "When are you leaving?"

"In the morning."

"Oh." She'd known it would be soon but had hoped for a little more time. "Why are you here?"

He stared at her, and for several long moments he didn't speak. His jaw hardened and she could tell he was clenching his teeth. A brisk wind tugged at her hair and the tails on Justin's mask as the sounds of the party faded away.

"Ariana, you not talking to me the last few days . . ." His voice broke off as he settled his hands on her shoulders, his thumbs brushing softly against her exposed collarbones. "You're wrecking me, you know that? I'm trying to do the right thing to keep you safe, but I can't think about anything but you."

Ariana shivered hard and focused on his throat, watching the muscles contract as he swallowed.

"But that's exactly why I have to go. My judgment is totally clouded and I can't . . . I can't protect you when I don't even know who to protect you from."

"I don't need your protection," Ariana snapped. But when she raised her eyes, his deep brown gaze seemed to drink her in, and her control shattered, her next words a plea. "Stay. Just tell me you'll stay."

He searched her face and after a long pause, whispered, "I will never make promises to you that I can't keep."

His words gouged at Ariana's heart. How could she have thought for one second that he'd been lying to her? He was hot-tempered and sometimes impulsive, but he was good. So good and honorable that it made her feel like a selfish child. But she couldn't seem to help herself; she wanted him more than she'd wanted anything her entire life. Tears burned her eyes and clogged her throat.

true colors - jb & ag 《completed》Where stories live. Discover now