Chapter 3.2

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From Machame Gate to Machame Camp

Joseph and I started very early this morning to avoid being with the majority of climbers. We started through the forest, which seemed to shrink as we advanced. The glimmer of dawn was struggling to penetrate this green mass that surrounded and swallowed us.

As we gained altitude, the forest loosened its grip and opened doors to a new landscape that was less dense, less oppressive. The view from here was relatively clear. The large trees have virtually disappeared, leaving room for tall weeds. Joseph is a bit like me, not very talkative. He's tired of seeing what the world has done to his mountain. He told me how beautiful she was with her coat of snow. He is the son of a Kilimanjaro guide and is delighted to have had only daughters. Girls do not become guides to the extinct volcano.

Machame Camp to Shira Camp

I had some trouble sleeping; it must be altitude sickness. Again, we woke at dawn. The space around us was completely colored. Blue, yellow, green, red, but they weren't the bright colors of flowers, they were tents set up during the night.

The path was very steep, sometimes strewn with rocks, other times with dust. I passed a few 'wild' animals, mostly reptiles. The vegetation, once so abundant, was becoming rare. I am enclosing some photos. It's getting colder. I don't know whether I'll be able to write in the coming days.

Shira Camp to Barranco Camp

I no longer feel my shoulders, I no longer feel my legs. We've done a little more than six hours walking on an almost lunar rocky path to the lava tower. Then a descent that was almost worse than the ascent in terms of effort. Apart from a slight headache, I'm fine. Watching the sun set is simply extraordinary. It goes through all the shades of red. I have no words...

Barranco Camp to Camp Barrafu

It's hard, it's exciting, it's amazing.

Camp Barrafu to High Camp

I've arrived. Again, words fail me. I feel insignificant. I have not conquered Kilimanjaro. It has humbly allowed me to approach it, touch it, feel it. I'm thinking of you very much.

I could see the volcano now, on crumpled sketches. It was there, there that I walked last night. I was indeed following my father's footsteps...

That evening, upon my return from A.L.E., I slept peacefully. Me too, Dad. I approached it, touched it and felt it. Me too, I'm thinking of you.

The night was short because Hugo and Thomas didn't adhere to the principles of a lie-in, nor those of silent monks. They were laughing like weasels in the hallway. I stretched and carefully stored book Nr. 3 in the drawer of my bedside table that held the other fourteen booklets I'd received since my father's departure. When I stepped out of my room, the twins had deserted the scene, leaving behind a battlefield of plastic bodies. I began to work my way to the bathroom. I couldn't help stepping on Mister John, thus ending his life as a toy as he snapped in two. At the threshold of the door, I met my mother, who had just bathed the two little monsters.

"Hello," I said, yawning.

"Hello. Don't forget, this evening we're having mussels and fries. I'm counting on you to take care of the boys as of 4pm."

My mother was great for getting me right in the mood. And obviously, I had completely forgotten the famous mussels and fries evening! That messed up my schedule a bit, but two hours in A.L.E. should be more than enough for today. After all, I wasn't going to spend all my free time there, was I?

"I'll be there. Where are they?"

"In their room. I'll go before they destroy everything."

I stood under a refreshing shower, then took the opportunity to exfoliate and do a 2-in-1 mask, just to add some glow to my face. As soon as I entered the kitchen, I was attacked by the two frenzied beings who were my brothers.

"You're looking a little tired! Were you out last night?" asked my mother, her dragon-like frown creasing her forehead.

Just shows you that wrinkle-removers and rejuvenating serums are all crap!

"No, not at all. I tested a new game last night, with two friends, on the web."

I conveniently overlooked the fact that the game wasn't yet licensed, not wishing to go into any long explanation.

"Oh, I see, that explains it! I guess I was just too optimistic."

Check out this mini-match between Mom and me. Serving: my mother.

"I hope you're not spending all your time on the net," she said, glancing at me suspiciously.

"No, no. As my exams are over, it's all just for fun, that's all." College? Always a good diversion for parents.

Advantage: Lola.

"When are the results?"

"June 30th. They send them by email."

"It doesn't seem to bother you too much!"

Mom... I might not be a genius, but still, I have worked," I pointed out, convincingly.

Thomas stumbled and began to cry. I took the opportunity to pick him up and cuddle him, which put an end to the conversation.

Game, set and match: Lola. I love my little brothers!

I tidied up the toys that were blocking the hallway and helped my mother with some housework. That always contributed to her good mood.

Around 1:30 I went to the kitchen and prepared a ham salad sandwich that I wolfed down in one go and drank a few sips of a redcurrant energy drink. Then I went back to my bedroom, locked the door so as not to be disturbed, and settled myself comfortably for the new mission.

At 1:55 I entered the A.L.E. lodge for the second time.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2017 ⏰

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