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He was surrounded by his brothers, in an awkward yet sweet hug the last time she saw him. The family she had seen in the Oberoi mansion had their own share of dysfunctionalities, but that did not stop them from loving each other, or her from craving a love like that.   was never a part of a large family, it had always been she and her Ma; her father only a distant memory and her uncle and aunt a living nightmare. And she understood why he wanted to protect them, in the little time she had spent with them, her feelings towards them had been similar. But perhaps the time to leave them forever was nearing. Gauri sighed, sitting down in the luxurious waiting room of the hospital's VIP section, contemplating the last look he had given her. 

He had caught her eye over the entangled limbs and heads of his two brothers still bear hugging him. His eyes did not have that bitter loathing she was used to or the tender love she dreamed of; they were simply curious; as if he was raking his brains trying to recall her, or trying to place her  somewhere in his incomplete memories. Perhaps she had never meant anything in his life at all, that he had forgotten her so easily.

Tears pricked her eyes as the door opened and someone walked in, seeing it was Shivay and he was looking straight at her, Gauri tried to wipe her eyes secretly. Shivay sat down beside her heavily, not commenting on her tears. In the past three months they have grown a deep mutual understanding; a bond with had flavors of both brotherly affection and friendly concern. She had seen him breakdown after Annika Bhabhi had left, had sat by his side in the study facing the pool one entire night not speaking a word and listening as he poured his heart out. He had held her back as she lashed out at the doctors who said Omkara cannot be cured, had  gently dragged her down to the kitchens and made her drink a tall glass of hot chocolate along with Rudra who was certain O was pulling their leg. In those three months they had become her brothers as much as his, she had become Ri from Gauri Bhabhi and she knew Shivay could read her silences well enough.

"He has partial amnesia, Shivay opened the conversation flatly. "The doctor says we're not to force him into remembering anything, the time will cure him.

She didn't say anything. She had been there when the doctor explained it to the worried family, her Internet Chaachi had taught her a lot about the term in the fifteen minutes that had passed after. Gauri knew there was a possibility he may never regain those moments he has lost and she was grateful for Shivay not voicing that part. 

"I know you're hurt Ri " he tried again, this time gentler than before.

"No, no Bade bhaiyya, she shook her head hastily. "Hum kush hai, that he woke up, he is alright and think of it he remembers nothing of those bad times, and the suffering he undertook.

For a moment Shivay watched her with a mixture of awe and pity, his bluish gray eyes slightly misting over. 

"Why are you so good Gauri? He asked after a pause. "You don't have to do it, think about others and smile all the time. Sometimes you should cry, complain, think about yourself too.

"But I don't have a right to do that Bade Bhaiyya, she said briskly, trying to keep her voice from breaking. "Sometimes tears fall only when there's someone to wipe them. Kher, she wiped her puffy eyes once more and switched the topic. "Were you looking for me? Is there something you need to get done?

"Ah yes, Shivay said sensing her need to let that topic go. "Now that Om doesn't remember anything, we need to work out a way of reintroducing you two. He tried to sound excited about it, but his smile dimmed as he noticed the crestfallen look in Ri's face. 

"You don't have to do it Bade Bhaiyya, she said softly. "You see, I'm going to will save the trouble and after all doctor ji did say we can't overlord him with details.

Traces Of You  - RiKara TSWhere stories live. Discover now