18 2 8

Laxthur is feeling very over qualified at the moment. "Five years of training, ten years of service, four hundred and sixty eight missions, all of which was to hell and back and my last mission is a smash and grab. A common thief can do this!" He thinks aloud to himself as he advanced to his position.

He chops his way through the very overgrown shrubbery, swearing under his breath, "They dont even have alot of guards, not even a proper security system, I'm gonna have no fun at all! " He stops as he comes to a 10 foot reinforced concrete wall. He looks up and sighs, " Not even elecric fencing or cameras " He pulls out a grappling hook, spins it a couple of times and throws it over the wall, pulls on the rope until it gets stuck good and proper.

" Ta-frikin-da "

He ascends the wall and peers over the top and sighs as he sees nothing except a small building dimly lit in the night with a small light on each corner, the area around the building is mainly open with the odd fern or shrub here and there.

" Really, that's it? " He gives the area a quick once over and leaps down to the ground. He crouches behind a shrub and grabs his assault rifle from his back. He creeps forward towards the building with his assault rifle at the ready. " No windows, that's a bit odd, not even a vent. What exactly is going on in this place? " Laxthur slowly moves around the building and comes across a wooden door. He presses himself against the wall and reaches for the door handle with his right hand. He inhales a slow, deep, steady breath as he readies himself for anything. As he exhales slowly he twists the handle and pulls gently, the door opens and a whaft of stale air greets his nostrills.

" Not even locked, and what is that smell? "

" Laxthur, stop your bitching and just get the job done " A husky female voice comes over his earpiece

" So good to finally hear from you Sandra, I was starting to think you abandoned me. "

" Just go in, eliminate any hostiles, grab the disks and get back, then you can go on your retirement, old man."

Laxthur didn't like that last comment. He knew he wasn't young anymore, but he wasnt that old either. He was only 35. But then again, in this game, that is old. Most soldiers in this line retire at 30. If they don't get killed or mamed before the time. But Laxtur, he wanted to go further, see more, do more. So he stayed on an extra 5 years, not that his CO minded him staying, he was the best soldier he had in the last 40 years. Laxthur rarely worked with a team, he did all the "silent" missions. he would break into places, kill who needed to be killed, steal what needed to be stolen, plant bombs, plant evidence and no one would even know he was there until he was far away.

But he was usually met with lots of guards and security systems that rival goverment class. But he has never been met by nothing, and that is starting to get on his nerves.

" Hey, Sarah"

" Sandra " She corrects him quickly

" Whatever, what intel do we have on this place? What exactly do they do here?" Laxthur opens the door completely and peers inside. He sees a single room that is completely empty except for a computer and some papers in the far corner to the right. He also notices a trapdoor in the floor which is heavily locked an bolted. Some sort of keypad is used to lock and unlock the hatch.

" The only intel we have is that it is an abandoned research facility and that we must retreive the four green disks. Also, if you are met by any hostile forces or resistance, you should eliminate them. It also states that little to none resistance should be expected."

" It is a single empty room with a computer and a trap door Suzan, "

" Sandra "

" Whatever, there is no one here except me." Laxthur lowers his rifle and walks over to the computer. He scans through the papers, but they are all blank. He opens the drawers of the desk and finds a stack of disks. He goes through them one by one, " Green disks, greeen disks, papa needs six, "

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2014 ⏰

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