chapter 1

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"Oh, come on, Samaria, I'm the best you've got! Let me do this." I said. I knew I sounded arrogant, but I didn't care. I needed to meet Mr. Stone, that was the biggest deal we had all year. It was worth billions, and I wasn't letting the responsibility fall on some inexperienced bimbo. The blonde in front of me sighed. Samaria Leon was the CEO of Sam-Leon and she was the one who was to close the deal with Mr. Stone, sadly, she was 8 months pregnant and had to rest, and I don't blame her for taking a leave. She deserved it.

"But the thing is Katherine, you might come off as..." She looked away from me, what? Strong? Icy? Please, I've heard it all. "What, Samaria? I don't have all day, yeah?" I said while tapping my nails on the mahogany table. "You might come off cold and straight to the point." she finally huffed. She was as red as her Christmas dress last year. Her blue eyes looking away. "God damn it, Samaria, that's what they're looking for? Do you think that they'll trust someone who would beat around the bush? I won't. Come on, I have this in the bag okay?" I cooed, using my most compassionate tone. Sometimes, I wondered how was it that she was the president of this company. But, she was one of the few people I could never hate, she was smart yet so... warm. Something that I could never have been.

She sighed once more, "Fine, but please try your best to be... Homely or a bit more welcoming." she requested, her eyes looking at me like I should at least try to do it. "I'll do my best." I replied, smiling at her. She was the closest thing I had to a friend, and I would do my best to make her happy. "Alright, break a leg, Katherine, and take care." she said as she stood up, her blue dress accentuating her baby bump. "You, too. I wouldn't want Caitlyn to be stressed now, yeah?" While motioning to her growing stomach. "Of course, good night, Katherine." Samaria said while giving me a hug. I saw my way out and got my hair off the tight band that was holding it. We were to meet Mr. Stone tomorrow, and I hadn't even started the presentation for that deal. It's gonna be a long night I thought as I drove off to the city.

"Freaking Christ, Dana! Where the hell are the folders?!" I was near the breaking point, just because my stupid assistant got dumped and forgot to bring the folders needed today! Jesus freaking Christ! Today! "Hey baby girl, take deep breaths okay? You can do this just find the file and re-print it" Jake comforted me as he pressed lightly on my shoulders. It would've looked romantic if only half of the management didn't know that Jake preferred men. He was the one over-looking everything at finance and we have known each other since collage.

"You're right, Dana please do this right.I have to ready the presentation" I said to Dana in a crisp cold tone. I had myself together and no way in hell would I break in font of my staff. "Alright Mam. Katherine" she said and she literally ran out of the room. "Hey baby girl, you good?" Jake questioned, his charcoal eyes clearly concerned. "Of course Jake, I'm all good, just need to keep calm, like you said" I reassured him. He can be a bit of a drama queen sometimes.

Ice Katherine, Ice, you can do this. Be cold and terse. I can do this. "Mam,they're here" Dana whispered, the exact moment that the door opened. Long and behold, the hottest guy I've ever seen. This couldn't possibly be Mr. Stone right? I expected a 50 year old with a big belly, not this. With dark hair and those mesmerizing green eyes and that body.... Surely he worked out. Fuck, snap out of it Katherine! Ice remember?! He's probably Mr. Stone's son or something.

"Ms. Katherine, this is Mr. Jace Stone, Ms. Lloyd and Sir. Avery" Dana introduced. Not letting my shock show, I diverted my eyes on the screen. Feeling a warm gaze on my direction. "So, we are here to discuss about the deal we've oh so wanted to have with the Stone estate-" "Is that sarcasm I hear?" A voice intervened. I immediately shot a look at the direction of the voice, and damn did I regret it. "It's not Mr. Stone. I can guarantee you that , may I continue?" I asked giving him a look. He grinned, "sure Ms. Katherine" he said coyly. " this project is called help the people, help ourselves. We would be employing those who live in the area who has a background with handling these things, it's the perfect place in this suburbs and the location is exquisite for tourists" I started. "And this would cost how much?" Ms. Lloyd asked. She didn't say anything yet but a trained eye could see that she was interested. " we would be having 10 branches across the states which would be 1.1 billion in total." I replied as Dana showed them the planned design for the resort and hotels. "That much eh, I think that's too much Ms. Preston" Sir. Avery intervened. "Well sir, the place would insure those who stay in them a hundred percent satisfaction. It would also be designed by the best" he still didn't look satisfied. " they would also pay a good amount yet not overboard that only the A listers could afford it, satisfaction within a budget" I ended the presentation with a calm smile. I was sure I had it in the bag. Silence filled the air. Silence is good, it means they're considering the deal. Finally Ms. Lloyd spoke up, "it's a good deal Ms. Preston, we'll consider it and let you know on Monday" she decided. "Alright then, thank you-" "I accept your proposal" once again I was cut off. "Would you please repeat that?" I asked. Were they sure? It was a big amount of money. "I've heard that you were a good business woman, but my sources left out that you were partially deaf. I said I'm accepting your proposal Katherine " Jace stated once more. Alrighty then Mr. Jackass "Thank you, if you would please sign the papers now being given to you" I looked at Dana who was already on the task. After the contract signing Ms. Lloyd and Sir Avery left, as I helped Dana fix up.

"Excuse me Mr. Stone, but don't you have to be somewhere else?" I asked. He gazed up to me, damn those emerald eyes! "I'd like to talk to you in private" he replied looking at Dana, she got the memo and left. Knowing Mr. Stone for 2 hours, I instantly did not want to be left alone with him. "Do you have any problems with the contract?" I asked. He looked amused, as if he was shocked by my hostility towards him. "Actually, I'd like to take you out to dinner" he announced, I'm guessing he wasn't the type to ask, he demanded. "Would this be about the contract?" I asked since why on earth would he actually want to go to dinner with him when I was nothing special. Once again a flicker of amusement passed his eyes. "It would be one of the things to discuss, if you decide to go" he said his eyes have off a hint of danger as if mocking me. "I shall accompany you to dinner Mr. Stone" he smirked as if already knowing that I'd say yes "for the sole objective to not let you have any uncertainty about the contract" I added. Not liking the way his eyes showed of the aura that he expected me to be like all the other girls he has already conquered. "Okay Ms. Preston, see you 7:30 at Cara's" he showed no indication of irritation, instead it seemed that he was humored by my attitude towards him. Not exactly the affect I wanted but it would have to do.Instead of waiting for a response, he strode out of the conference room. Glancing at my watch, I realized that I was going on a date, 7 hours from now with a billionaire and was no where near ready.

Looking at my closet, I realized that I had not gone shopping for the last 6 months. Thus, the lack of any on-trend clothing in my wardrobe. I sighed as I searched for something that would pass the standards of the great Jace William Stone. Having the time to research more about the guy, I found out that he was a known ladies man, he had no preference, having blondes and brunettes. Yet, they all had one thing in common, they were cover-girl ready. Someone who looked like she was going to walk the runway and own it. Something that I was clearly lacking.

Moments later, I decided to pick out a plain navy dress with quarter sleeves that reached my knees and black heels. Leaving my face bare except for some mascara and lipstick. Tying my almond tresses to the side. This is the best I could do and if it didn't pass his standards, Mr. Stone be damned.

Gazing at the beautiful building in front of me, I took a deep breath, the building looked amazing, with such detail that you would imagine it to be a 5 star hotel. The location was prime and so was the decor. Glancing at my watch, it read 7:29. I got out of the cab and was accommodated at once by one of the staff. "Good evening madam, do you have any reservations?" The girl asked. "Yes I do, under the name of Mr. Stone" I replied. The girl checked and looked at me, twice. I didn't miss how her eyes widened slightly. She swallowed. Probably from shock, "you must be Ms. Katherine, yes Mr. Stone is waiting for you" she said as she guided me to our table, reaching the part of the place where there seemed to be only a single table.

He was already there, giving me a head to toe glance. He didn't look bad himself, dressed in a 3 piece midnight suite, he looked dashing. A server pulled out my seat and left. "Good evening Mr. Stone" I said with a smile. "You don't have to sound so stiff, Hayley" he said, I winced at the sound of my name."How did you know-" "oh I know a lot about you, Katherine Hayley Preston. I know your mom walked out on you when you were six, leaving you and your father for a businessman. Your dad did everything he could to get her back, didn't even thought of at the process. Died when you were 15, because of drugs and you've been a heartless woman ever since" he said. He gave me a look that was challenging me, as if he got any of the details wrong. I swallowed hard not letting any tear go.

"You know nothing Mr. Stone, and don't you ever disrespect my father like that. If we're just going to talk about my unfortunate past then I don't see any reason why I should be accompanying you at all. Good night Mr. Stone and hope you rot in hell" I gushed, he seemed taken back and I didn't wait for any form of dismissal. I left, leaving some diners and staff questioning my early departure.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2014 ⏰

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